
时间:2022-11-27 20:54:50 由 ouycj 分享 浏览


  1. 直接引语和间接引语的转换方法

  ① 间接引语语序改为陈述句语序

  陈述句用 that 引导,口语中常省略 She said,例:

  “I am going to the cinema. ”

  → She said (that) she was going to the cinema.

  ② 一般疑问句


  “Have you ever travelled by plane?” she asked me.

  → She asked me if / whether I had travelled by plane.

  ③ 反意疑问句


  He asked,“You are a doctor, aren’t you?”

  → He asked (me) if / whether I was a doctor.

  ④ 特殊疑问句


  He asked, “Who will come to help us?”

  → He asked who would come to help them.

  She said, “Where have you been, Simon?”

  → She asked Simon where he had been.

  ⑤ 选择疑问句

  由 whether…or 引导,例:

  Eddie said, “Is this a TV set or a computer?”

  → Eddie asked (me) whether that was a TV set or a computer.

  ⑥ 祈使句

  用“tell /ask /order someone (not) to do something” 结构,将动词原形变为动词不定式,例:

  “Put up your hands,” said the teacher.

  → The teacher told them to put up their hands.

  “Don’t play football on the street,” the policeman said.

  → The policeman ordered us not to play football on the street.


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