
时间:2022-11-27 20:56:23 由 龙小屋 分享 浏览



  一般认为形容词+ly就变成了副词,如形容词quick;加上-ly变成副词quickly。但是象friendly , lovely 虽然以 ly 结尾,但实则是形容词,She is friendly to me (她对我很友好。)


  already 和 yet :

  Where is Tom? He hasn't come yet. But Jack is already here . 这句话中又是 already,又有yet,是怎么回事吗?原来already和yet意思虽然相同,但用法有点小区别。表示事情早已发生或提前发生用 already,一般放于句中,用于肯定句和疑问句。含有already的肯定句,变为否定句时,要将already 变为yet,且放在句尾。yet表示预料要发生的事未发生,位于句尾,一般用于否定句和疑问句中。 还迷糊吗?再迷糊,只好再看一看上面的例句喽。

  hard 和 hardly:

  hard,hardly 两者虽然只有-ly之差,意义却大不相同。hard表示"辛苦,使劲,努力,"如:He   works very hard.(他学习非常努力。) 而hardly为否定副词,表示"几乎不"。如:The box is so heavy that he could hardly carry it .(这箱子是那么沉,他几乎搬不动。)

  ago 和 before:

  ago 不能单独使用,应与three days (months , weeks)等连用, 而且和动词的过去时连用。如: I met my neighbour an hour ago. Before 之前有"一段时间"时,指"距这段时间以前",和过去完成时连用。如:He said he had finished the work two days before.(他说他两天前已完成了工作。) 如果before单独使用,是泛指"以前",常常和完成时连用。如:I have seen the film before.(我以前没看过这部电影。)

  farther 和 further:

  far 有两种比较级,farther,further. 在英语中两者都可指距离。如: He runs farther than she does.(他比她跑得远。)在美语中,farther 表示距离,further表示进一步。 如: I have nothing further to say.(我没什么要说的了。)



  1. The teacher was very angry and decided to send ______school, so he wasn't a student any longer.

  A. away him from  B. him away from the   C. away him out of  D. him away from

  2. _______, he didn't fail in the English exam.

  A. Luck  B. Lucky  C. Luckily  D. Luckly

  3.-Are you feeling ____?    -Yes,I'm fine now.

  A. any well  B.any better  C.quite good  D.quite better

  4. The more we looked at the picture, _________.

  A. the less we liked it  B. we like it less   C. better we like it  D. it looked better

  5. After the new machine was introduced,the factory produced ___ shoes in 1988 as the year before.

  A. as twice many  B. as many twice   C. twice as many  D. twice many as

  6. Our English needs to be______improved.

  A. farther  B. farthest  C. further  D. far

  7. What a pity! Lucy ran _______ more slowly than Lily.

  A. a few  B. much  C. a little  D. little

  8. He is running _______now.

  A. more slowly and more slowly   B. slowlier and slowlier   C. more and more slowly D. slowly and slowly

  9. Last night my father went back _________later than before.

  A. quite  B. very  C. even  D. much more

  10.The sick man was too thin to go any _______.

  A. far  B. farther  C. further  D. farthest


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