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  短文改错对并列连词的考查主要涉及and, but, or, so等几个表示并列、转折、选择、因果等关系的词语。严格说来,这类错误主要属于行文逻辑的错误。


  (1) We tried to fix it and there was nothing we could do. (and 改为but,因此处语意转折)

  (2) She was smiling but nodding at me. (but 改为 and,因此处并无转折之意(全国)

  (3) It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. (and 改为or,a visitor 和 a guest 应是选择关系,意思是“好像我的父母亲把我当作一个来访者或一个客人”)

  (4) The food was expensive and the service was good. (and 改为but,此处意义发生转折)

  (5) My grandma was the best cook in the world but could make the mostdelicious dishes.(but 改为and,此处表示并列,而不是转折) (江苏卷)





  ① 介词或副词选择错误:这种情况极为复杂,各种情况都有可能。这里只提供几组作为参考:before / ago, among / between, after / in, below / under, on / above / over, across / through, except / besides, with / in(用), to / for (对于), like / as 等。

  ② 连词选择错误或连词与介词混淆。如:because / for(since, as), if / whether, if / unless, so as / so that, hardly … when / no sooner… than, while / when, till / until等。

  ③ 感叹句用词选择错误:how / what。

  ④ 冠词选择错误:a / an, a (an) / the。


  ① 名词词形错误:名词的单复数形式,特别注意不规则名词的复数形式;名词的所有格,特别注意不规则复数名词的所有格,如:the children’s;名词所有格的绝对形式。如:My son is older than my elder brother’s.

  ② 动词词形错误:不规则动词的过去式、过去分词形式错误,特别注意几组易于混淆的词,如:lie(躺) / lie(说谎) / lay;hang(挂) / hang(绞死);find / found(建立);fall / fell(砍倒);bear(忍受) / bear(生育)等的过去式与过去分词。非谓语动词用法的选择,特别是充当状语、表语、定语或宾语补足语时是用过去分词还是现在分词(取决于主语、名词中心词与宾语的关系);在 to 后是用不定式还是动名词(取决于to是介词还是小品词);以及在并列结构中后面动词的形式,必须与第 1 个动词保持一致。谓语动词时态形式的选择,是现在时还是过去时还是其他时态;情态动词和 will(would), shall (should) 等助动词后面的动词形式的选择(只能用原形)。

  ③ 形容词与副词词形错误:是用原级、比较级还是级,是加 more, most 还是加 -er, -est 构成比较级和级。

  ④ 词性选择错误:不同的词性充当不同的句子成分,要注意实词的词性是否适合其功能,不符合则应换用适当的派生词。其中特别要注意:连系动词后常用形容词充当表语,而不用副词。如:He feels cold. 作状语用副词,而不用形容词。如:He works well.



  accept / receive, alive, living / lively, allow / let, alone / lonely, aloud / loudly, already / yet / still, also / too / either, number / amount / quantity, answer / reply, asleep / sleepy / sleeping, bring / take / fetch / carry, clothes / clothing, deep / deeply, cost / spend / take / pay, hard / hardly, high / highly, job / work, late / lately, lend / borrow, raise / rise, say / speak / tell / talk, sit / seat, sound / noise / voice




  ① 有些动词后有时有介词,有时没有介词,可能混淆而缺一介词。如:attend a meeting, 但 attend ∧(to) the patient; prepare breakfast, 但 prepare∧ (for) the exam; join us, 但 join∧(in) a game.

  ② 表语形容词通常具有动词意义,很可能误以为是动词而漏掉介词。如:be afraid ∧(of) nothing, be present ∧(at) the meeting, be sure ∧(about) it。

  ③ except, instead of, from, since, till, until 后面可跟另一介词词组充当介词宾语,可能会漏掉第 2 个介词。如:He came on foot instead of ∧ (by) bike. big bear ran out from ∧ (behind) a tree.

  ④ hundreds, thousands 等后面可能漏掉 of。类似的还有millions ∧ (of), dozens ∧ (of), scores ∧ (of)


  ① 汉语常用意合法,分句与分句之间往往不用连词,但英语里不行。如:

  It began to rain, ∧ (and) they had to stop the match. (如果中间用分号可不用连词)

  It was late, ∧ (so) we went home.

  You like sports, ∧ (while) I’d rather read.

  He looked for the key, ∧ (but) didn’t find it.

  ② 受汉语影响,并列动词词组之间可能缺一个and。如:

  She smiled ∧ (and) said good-bye to her father.

  ③ 名词性从句 that分句置于句首或作同位语时不可缺少连词。如:

  ∧ (That) she is beautiful is known to us all.

  We heard the news ∧ (that) our team had won.

  ④ even 后可能缺少 if 或 though。如:

  He walks as ∧ (if 或 though) he were drunk.


  ① 充当定语从句主语的关系代词不能缺少。如:

  The accident ∧ (that) happened yesterday was very serious.

  ② 英语中用来替代前面的“the + 名词”的 that(单数)和 those(复数),在汉语中往往很可能漏掉。如:

  The population of China is much larger than ∧ (that) of Japan.

  These shirts are expensive, but∧ (those) which we saw the other day were even more expensive.

  缺一助动词或连系动词 be

  ① 表语不是名词时,可能缺少连系动词 be,因为汉语在这种情况下不用“是”。如:

  He ∧ (is) afraid of his father.

  The match ∧ (is) over.

  ② 被动语态中缺少助动词 be,成了主动语态。如:

  He has ∧ (been) asked to sing in English.

  ③ 完成体中缺少助动词 have,成了一般过去时。如:

  We realized that we ∧ (had) lost our way.

  They ∧ (have) lived here since 1980.

  ④ 在倒装句中缺少助动词或情态动词。如:

  Hardly ∧ (had) I reached the bus stop when the bus started.

  Seldom ∧ (do) I get invited into the office alone.

  Only in this way ∧ (can) you learn English well.


  ① 在 such 或 so + 形容词与单数可数名词连用时,不可缺 a (an)。如:

  He is such ∧ (an) honest boy that all of us like him.

  This is so good ∧ (a) book that I read it again.

  ② 表示“有些”时,little, few前面不可缺少 a。如:

  Don’t hurry. There is ∧ (a) little time left.

  ③ many 前有 great, good 时,要加 a。如:∧(a) great many people.若 many 后接单数名词,中间须有 a (an)。如:Many ∧ (a) man has tried it before.

  ④ 一些不可数名词前,有形容词修饰表示“一种(场)等”时,要加 a (an)。如:

  It’s ∧ (a) famous Chinese tea.

  There was∧ (a) heavy rain last night.

  ⑤ 用专有名词表示“一个像(叫)……的人”时,用 a (an), 如:

  He wished to be ∧ (a) Lei Feng.

  ∧ (A) Mr Wang called you up just now.

  ⑥“形容词比较级 + of the two…”前必须用 the。如:

  He is ∧ (the) better one of the two.

  缺小品词 to

  ① 不定式充当各种成分,一般都不能缺少 to。如:

  She went there ∧ (to) see her mother.

  He asked me not ∧ (to) go there.

  I have something important ∧ (to) tell you.

  ② make, let, have, see, hear, notice, observe, watch 等动词变成被动语态时,充当主语补足语的不定式前的 to需还原。如:

  She was made ∧ (to) do heavy work.

  The blind man was seen ∧ (to) cross the street.






  (1) In the last five years that they’ve climbed churches, high buildings and television towers. (去掉 that,因此处的 in the last five years 为时间状语,其后无需用that) (全国卷)

  (2) Charles said, “As soon I see a really tall building, I want to climb it.(I 前加 as,因为 as soon as 为引导时间状语从句的引导词)(全国卷)

  (3) Most people can quickly get help from a doctor or go to a hospital since they are ill. (since 改为 when / if / whenever。从句意上看此处用 since 讲不通,改为 if / when / whenever 均可) (全国卷)

  (4) However, there are still some countries there people have shorter lives. (there 改为 where,where 在此引导定语从句) (全国卷)

  (5) …in other places where you are limited to a certain number, of which some may be novels. (去掉 where,in other places 在此为地点状语) (全国卷)

  (6) …in other places you are limited to a certain number, of that some may be novels. (that 改为 which,因介词后要用 which 来引导定语从句) (全国卷)

  (7) …and whether you pay the cost of sending a postcard, the librarian will write to you. (whether 改为 if,表示“如果”时,不能用 whether) (全国卷)

  (8) I also enjoyed the evenings when we spent together. (去掉 when 或将 when 改为 that,因这里的定语从句中谓语动词(spent)缺宾语,故只能用关系代词 that或将其省略) (全国卷)

  (9) I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China. (where 改为 which,要填关系代词作主语) (全国卷)

  (10) …but it didn’t matter that I would win or not. (that 改为 whether,whether 与 or not 搭配,表示“是否”) (全国卷)

  (11) I felt so nervous as I shook like a leaf. (as 改为 that,so…that…为固定句式,其中的 that 引导结果状语从句) (全国卷)

  (12) In one class, I learned it rained. (it 前加why,why 在此表原因) (北京春季卷)

  (13) For example, when he bought a chocolate cake, he put it in a secret place where I couldn’t find. (where 改为that / which,或去掉 where,I couldn’t find 为修饰 place 的定语从句,其前用关系代词,也可省略) (北京春季卷)

  (14) It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain. (we 前加 when,时间状语从句缺少连词引导) (全国卷)

  (15) Besides, I have few friends, I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me. (that 改为 why,why 引导宾语从句,表示原因) (年全国卷)

  (16) I have a good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. (who’s 改为 whose,因who’s=who is,不仅结构错误,而且意思也不通;whose 引导定语从句,表示“……的”) (福建卷)

  (17) It has been five years when we graduated, but those memories are as sweet as ever before. (when 改为 since,It is / has been +时间段+since(谓语动词是短暂性动词)是固定句型,意为“自……以来有多久了”) (天津卷)


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