
时间:2022-11-28 01:02:14 由 复习阶段 分享 浏览




1. do homework 做作业 2. read a book 读书 3. write a story 写故事

4. draw picture 画画 5. help my mum and dad 帮助我的爸爸妈妈

6. talk on the phone 讲电话 7. watch TV 看电视 8. play on the computer

玩电脑 9. make bed 铺床,整理床铺 10. clean bedroom 打扫卧室

11. play with teddy bear 和泰迪熊一起玩儿 12. listen to music 听音乐

13.brush teeth 刷牙 14. wash face 洗脸 15. brush hair 梳头(comb hair)16. put on clothes 穿衣服(take off clothes 脱衣服) 17.fly kites 放风筝

18. play with friends 和朋友一起玩儿 19. play catch with a ball 玩接球游戏

20.play with toy 玩玩具


21. have breakfast 吃早饭 22. go home with… 和某人一起回家 23. come back 回来 24. put… up in the tree把某物放到树上 25.wash clothes 洗衣服 26. sing a song 唱歌 27. play a game 玩游戏 28. call… 给某人打电话 29. fall off 掉下 30. play together 一起玩耍



1. This is a red skirt. 这是一条红色的短裙。(单数)(划线部分要会替换)

2. These are yellow trousers.这些是红色的裤子。(复数)(划线部分要会替换)

3. He/She is wearing a green sweater. 他/她穿着一件绿色的毛衣。(划线部分要会替换)

He/ She is wearing blue trousers. 他/她穿着一条蓝色的裤子。(注意裤子是复数形式,


4. This is a new sweater.这是一件新毛衣。(单数)

5.This is an old sweater. 这是一件旧毛衣。(单数)(注意:old 中字母o是元音字母,前面需要使用冠词an)

6. These are new trousers.这些是新裤子。(复数)

7. These are old trousers.这些是旧裤子。(复数)

8. I like your trousers.我喜欢你的裤子。

9. Are they new? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.他们是新的吗?是的。/ 不,不是。(复数)

Is it new? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 它是新的么?是的。/ 不,不是。(单数)

10. What is she wearing? She is wearing a green sweater, an orange skirt and a brown scarf.她穿着什么? 她穿着一件绿色毛衣,桔色短裙和棕色围巾。

11. Is this your cap? No! It’s Kim’s cap.这是你的帽子吗? 不,这是Kim的帽子。

12. Are these your gloves? No, they aren’t .这些是你的手套吗? 不是。

13. What day is today? It’s Monday. 今天星期几? 今天星期一。(划线部分要会替换)

14. How many days are there in a week? 一周有几天?Seven. 七天。

15. What do you do in the evening?你晚上做什么?(划线部分要会替换)

In the evening , I do my homework./I write a story. / I read a book. /I draw a picture for my story .我晚上做作业。/写故事。/读书。/给我的故事画图。

16.What do you do at home? 你在家干什么?

I help my mum and my dad. / I talk on the phone with my friends./ I watch TV after dinner. /I play on the computer. 我帮我的爸爸妈妈。/我和朋友打电话。/我晚饭后看电视。/我玩电脑。

17. What do you do in your bedroom? 你在你的卧室做什么?(划线部分要会替换)

I make my bed. /I clean my bedroom. /I play with my teddy bear. /I listen to music. 我整理我的床铺。/ 我打扫房间。/我和我的泰迪熊玩。/我听音乐。

18. What do you do in the morning? 你早上做什么?(划线部分要会替换)

I brush my teeth. / I wash my face. /I brush my hair. /I put on my clothes.我刷牙。/洗脸 梳头。/穿衣服。



sheep? sheep (绵羊)  hen? hens(母鸡) lamb? lambs(羊羔)

goat? goats(山羊)  cow? cows(奶牛) horse? horses(马)

goose? geese(鹅) foot? feet(脚)    tooth? teeth(牙齿)



cat? cats dog? dogs book? books ruler? rulers

2、在以s, ss , x , sh , ch 结尾的名词后面加“es”,如:

box? boxes peach? peaches bus? buses class? classes


tomato? tomatoes potato? potatoes


boy? boys toy? toys day? days


baby? babies lady? ladies butterfly ?butterflies

5、以f, fe结尾的名词,去掉f或fe后加“ves”,如:

shelf? shelves leaf? leaves knife? knives

三、I like…后面要加可数名词的复数形式或者不可数名词,如:四年级英语六单元知识点

I like apples . 我喜欢苹果。   I like chicken.我喜欢鸡肉。

四、特殊疑问句:What are these? What are those ? What are they?在回答时,都要用“They are…”

What is this ? What is that? What is it ? 在回答时都要用It’s a (an )…

一般疑问句:Are these …? Are those …? Are they…?的回答形式也都是一样的,肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they aren’t.

一般疑问句:Is this a(an) …? Is that a(an ) …? Is it a(an)…?的回答形式也都是一样的,肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn’t.


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