
时间:2023-05-29 18:45:19 由 哈喽KT 分享 浏览




1. 1. 两双鞋子__________ 2.出售 _________3.多少钱__________4.下个月___________

5. 5.每年___________6.这个学期__________7.多大岁数__________8. 下课后_________


1.I don’t like English___ math, ___ I like science.

A. and ; but B. and ; and

C. or; but D. or ; and

2. Next week, we have _______ art festival.

A. a

B. an

3. How old____ your mother?

A. is

B. are

4. The store ___school things __the students.

A. sell; to

B. sells; to

C. buy; to

D. buy; from

5. A:How about ______ trousers?

B: They _____ good.

A. this; look B. these; looks C. this; looks D. these; look

三、多选:Let’s play tennis.


A. No, I don’t like it.

B. Sounds good.


D. Have a good time.


1.what where how who why no sorry what’s on (共8个空9个词,每个词不重复)

A:______ your favorite subject?

B: Science.

A: ____is your science teacher?

B: Mr. Clark.

A: _____is he?

B: He’s in the classroom.

A: ____ old is he?

B: He’s 35.

A: Do you like science?

B: Yes, I do.

A: ______ do you like science?

B: Because it’s interesting.

A: _____does he like for breakfast?

B: _____, I don’t know.

A: When is your geography class?

B: It’s at 2 o’clock ____ Monday and Friday.

A: It’s Monday today.

B: Oh, yes! I must go now.

2. for on at with after from to(一词可以重复使用,无词剩余)

(1)We don’t go to school _____ the afternoon ______ May 1st.

(2)I watch TV ___ an hour on Saturday.

(3)Thank you ______ your e-mail.

(4)We sell our clothes _____very good prices.

(5)Come and buy your clothes ______ our great sale.

(6)Is that OK______ you?

(7)______ school , I have an art lesson ___ two hours.

(8)It is ____12:00 ___1:00.


1.He always _____ games _____us.(play, plays, with , and中选择)

2.My teacher says it is useful, ____I think it’s too difficult.(and or but三选一)

3.we have skirts____ students___ purple ____ only $20.( in for两词填三空,一词重复使用)



1.What ______ the boy ______(like)?

2.He_______(read) the English book sometimes during a week.

3.We have fun ______(see) that movie.

4.Don’t go there! It is pretty ________(dangerous).

5.The beautiful girl ___________(dance) over there now.

6.There ______(be) so much food on the table.

7.They want ___________(describe) the thief who they saw last night.

8.She enjoys reading books and __________(visit) everywhere.

9.In order to learn English well, he often_______(improve) his life.

10.The rain is terrible, it is a ________(surprise) flood(洪水).


1.Is there a school ___ children___5-8?

A. of; for B. for; for C. for; of D. of; of

2.Do you want an ______job?

A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excites

3.Look! The police _____ over.

A. is coming B. come C. comes D. are coming

4.It is cold, he wears a little and has a fever(发热),now he is ______.

A. in a hospital B. in hospital C. in the hospital D. in hospitals

5.Does Mr.White _______in Beijing?

A. likes working B. likes work C. like working D. like work

6.He doesn’t want to be a worker, he thinks it is a bad _____.

A. wok B. jobs C. works D. job

7.—How about going ___ vacation? —_____! That’s great!

A. to; Sure B. on; No C. on; Sure D. to; No

8.They take a walk _____the park every day.

A. across B. past C. through D. pass

9.Bridge Street is a good place______.

A. have fun B. has fun C. to have fun D. have funs

10.It is tired for me ______ the long story.

A. to describe B. describing C. describe D. at describe

11.Welcome ____ Sidu Middle School !

A. you B. you to C. to D. your

12.These are _____ maps, and this one is _____.

A. he; I B. her; my C. they; me D. their; mine

13.It’s sunny! Let’s ____ for someplace to ____ activity.

A. looking; hope B. wait; taking C. look; take D. waiting; have

14.Please clean the house, it is so _______.

A. dirty B. hot C. clean D. busy

15.I ____ my teacher to be happy forever(永远)!

A. take B. wish C. hope D. relax

16.Please be _____! The television is too loud(大声的)!

A. cute B. smart C. quite D. quiet

17.There isn’t ______ in the bowl(碗)。

A. some rice B. any rices C. some rices D. any rice

18.There ____ a cute girl and many flowers, she with her dog ____watering the flowers.

A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are

19.—What’s the whether today in Shanghai? —_________.

A. It’s Sunday B. It’s tumid C. It’s terrible D. Both B and C

20.She is my teacher, and she _____ me many______.

A. likes; skills B. teaches; skills C. teachs; skill D. tells; skill


1.There is a hotel next to the supermarket.(同义句替换)

________ ________ the supermarket is a _________.

2.I go home a little late.(同义句替换)

I go home_______ ________ late.

3.Tom’s sister wants to be a reporter.(划线部分提问)

_______ _______ Tom’s sister ______ _______ ______?

4.He wants to go to study.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ he _______ to go to study?

5.Jim’s parents speak English and Chinese.(改为否定句)

Jim’s parents________ _________ English and Chinese.

6.The shy boy is waiting for his clever dog.(划线部分提问)

_______ _______ the shy boy ______ _______?

7.The thief doesn’t like them.(改为复数句)

The ______ _______like______.

8. Can she play football and shop good things?(改为陈述句)

She _____ ______ football and______ good things.

9. There are 150 workers in the company(公司),65 are women, 85 are men.(同义句转换)

There are 150 workers in the company,65 are women,_______ ______ are men.

10.I like windy day best.(同义句转换)

_______ _______ ______ _______ windy day.



1. Hello! My name is Daming _____ I am Chinese.

A. and B. but C. with D. so

2. Tom is _____English boy and Daming is _____ Chinese boy.

A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an

3. Betty _____ her father, mother are in China.

A. with B. and C. but D. under

4. Britney Spears is a singer. Britney is her _____ name and Spears is her _____ name.

A. family; given B. given; family

C. full; given D. given; full

5. Jim is _____ friend. _____ in Class One.

A. my; He’s B. my; His

C. I; He’s


1. Her last name is Green. (改为同义句)

Her _____ name is Green.

2. She is from Beijing. (改为同义句)

She _____ _____ Beijing.

3. I’m in Class Two(对划线部分提问)

_____class are you _____ ?

4. 我的好朋友汤姆在七年级三班。

My good friend Tom is _____ _____ _____ , Grade _____.

5. 我和大明、玲玲在一班。

I _____ _____ Class One _____ Daming and Lingling.

6. 她叫玛丽,她是我的好朋友。

_____ name is Mary. _____ is _____ good friend.

7. 我的英语老师是美国人。

①My English teacher is from _____.

②My English teacher is _____.


1. Shanshan is in London _____ her parents.

2. Tom _____ his friends like playing football.

3. I’m from China and I’m _____ (China).

4. Tom and I _____ (be) good friends.

5. This is our _____ (one) English lesson.

6. _____ (be) you a new student?

7. He always________(practice)______(speak) English.


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