
时间:2023-08-03 13:16:58 由 z514555 分享 浏览




一、重点单词icecream 冰淇淋

hamburger 汉堡包

tea 茶

sandwich 三文治

salad 沙拉

fresh 新鲜的,刚摘的

healthy 健康的

delicious 美味的;可口的

hot 辣的;辛辣的

sweet 含糖的;甜的

hungry 饿的

thirsty 渴的;口渴的

favourite 特别喜爱的

food 食物

drink 喝;饮

carrot 胡萝卜

chicken 鸡肉

onion 洋葱

milk 牛奶

bread 面包

beef noodles 牛肉面

fish sandwich 鱼肉三明治

tomato soup 西红柿汤


1. —What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么?

—A sandwich, please. 请给我一个三明治。

—What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么?

—I’dlike some water. 我想喝点水。

2. —What’s your favourite food? 你最喜欢吃什么食物?

—Noodles. They are delicious. 面条。面条很好吃。

3. My/His /Her favourite food isfish. 我/他/她最喜欢的食物是鱼。

4. I’m hungry/thirsty. 我饿/渴了。

5. I don’t like beef but chickenis OK. 我不喜欢牛肉但是鸡肉也可以。6.Onions are my favourite vegetable. 洋葱是我最喜欢的蔬菜。

6. I like vegetables but not carrots. 我喜欢吃蔬菜但不喜欢胡萝卜。

三、语音字母组合ow在单词中的发音:[au ] ,

例:[au ] cow 奶牛 flower 花 wow哇 down向下

how如何,怎样 now 现在 [slow慢的 snow 雪

yellow 黄色 window 窗户 snowy 下雪的 tomorrow 明天



—What would youlike to eat/drink? —I’d like…


—What’s yourfavourite food/vegetable/…?

—Myfavourite food/…is…/I like…



(2)以s,x, sh, ch结尾的,加es,如,buses boxes sandwiches

(3)以o结尾,有生命的加es,如,potatoes tomatoes

无生命的加s,如,photos pianos zoos


(4)以辅音加y结尾,改y为i再加es,如,families babies

以元音加y结尾,直接加s,如,boys days


如knife-knives 小刀 leaf-leaves 树叶


例:some apples(可数) some water/rice/juice/bread/…(不可数)课外补充:不可数名词(词后不可以加-s/es,所接动词用单数is/V-s/es)液体water milk tea orange(桔汁) coke juice气体air(空气)食物food rice bread fruit肉类meat(肉) fish beef chicken物质work(工作) paper(纸) time music weather(天气) snow money

五、 重点作文




Thereare…people in my family. They are…


…favourite food is…/…is…favourite./…like(s)…best.




There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and me. My mother likes salad best. It’s fresh. Beef is my father’s favourite. He thinks(认为)it’s delicious. My brother likes ice-cream. It’s sweet. My favourite food is fish. It’s very healthy.


sandwich ['s?nw?t?] 三明治

salad ['s?l?d] 蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉

hamburger [?h?mb?:g?] 汉堡包

ice cream [?a?s? kri:m] 冰淇淋

tea [ti?] 茶;茶水

fresh [fre?] 新鲜的

healthy ['helθi] 健康的

delicious [d?'l???s] 美味的;可口的

hot [h?t] 辣的;辛辣的

sweet [[swi:t] 含糖的;甜的

drink [dr??k] 喝;饮

thirsty ['θ??sti] 渴的;口渴的

favourite ['fe?v?r?t] 特别喜爱的

food [fu?d] 食物

Dear [d??] (用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前)亲爱的

onion ['?nj?n] 洋葱;葱头


一、 读单词,找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,并写出序号。(10分)

( )1、A .dad B. washroom C. cat D. have

( )2、A. music B. computer C. you D. bus

( )3、A. short B. pork C. doctor D. sport

( )4、A. that B. those C. healthy D. this

( )5、A. sea B. eat C. bread D. meat


Class (复数) tomato(复数)

I’d like(完整形式) onion(复数)

Potato(复数) let’s(完整形式)


( )1. What do you have on Mondays ? A . My favorite food is fish.

( )2. What would you like to eat? B.it’s Sunday .

( )3. What’s your favorite food? C.I have Chinese .

( )4. what day is it today? D I’d like some fish and noodles.

( )5.here you are . E.Thank you.


( )1. I don’t like ice cream. Sweet.

A. they are B. it’s C. They’re

( ) 2. Bananas my favorite.

A. is B. are C. like

( ) 3. I’m hungry. go to the canteen.

A. Let B. Let’s C. Lets

( ) 4. Caroot and tomato are .

A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit

( ) 5. Oops! These noodles are delicious.

A. to B. two C. too

( ) 6. It’s 6:30p.m. Let’s have .

A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner

( ) 7. Pork and mutton are .

A. fruits B. meat C. vegetables

( ) 8. I’d like rice and mutton Mondays.

A. for B. at C. on

( ) 9. What would you like to drink!

A. milk B. salad C.hamburger

( )10. What’s your favorite day ?

A.Sunday B.tea C weekend


1. Watermelon is (I) favorite fruit.

2. I don’t like (orange). They’re sour.

3. Usually we have some (egg) and bread for lunch on Tuesdays.

4. The hamburger is (heath). It’s favorite.

5. Opens! The noodles are too (美味的)


1. I’d like some water I’m thirty.

2. What would you like to drink ?

3. What is your favorite food?

4. I like apples .they are sweet.




下面给你提供了一个school menu。请你根据合理的膳食,为每天搭配不同的食物,并填写下面一则ad(广告),把你的school menu向大家宣传一下!

Days School Menu

Mon. Rice +eggplant + pork + carrot juice

Tue. bread + + +

Wed. + beef + +

Thu. + + + apple juice

Fri. Noodles + + +

Good news! We have a new school menu. Look, on Monday, we have_______, __________, _________ and .On , we have bread and_________. On --- you can eat___________, beef, ____________ and .On, we have_________,______________, and apple juice. On , here are noodles,________, and .

Everything is tasty, and I am sure there must be something your favorite. Come on, boys and girls! Don’t wait!

See you tomorrow.


从美国来信,问到你的近况如何。下面是你的课程表和School Menu.请你根据这些信息给他回信,回答他在信中谈到的问题。

What class do you have on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays?

What’s your favorite food?

What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday?




Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri.

Chinese English Math Chinese English

Math Math Chinese Computer Chinese

Computer Moral Education P.E. English Math

Social Studies Music Science Music P.E.



mutton Cabbage

Tofu and cake Green beans

Fish and

celery Pork


Salad Carrots



Science Computer Moral Education Art

Music Art Social Studies Science


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