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Unit 1

cultural 文化的

relic 遗物;遗迹;纪念物

rare 稀罕的;稀有的;贵重的

valuable 贵重的;有价值的

survive 幸免;幸存;生还

vase 花瓶;瓶

dynasty 朝代;王朝

dragon 龙

amber n.琥珀;琥珀色

in search of 寻找

amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶

amazing 令人吃惊的

select 挑选;选择

honey 蜜;蜂蜜

design n.设计;图案;构思 vt.设计;计划;构思

fancy adj.奇异的;异样的 vt.想象;设想;爱好

style 风格;风度;类型

decorate 装饰;装修

jewel 珠宝;宝石

artist 艺术家

belong vi.属于;为...的一员

belong to 属于

in return 作为报答;回报

troop 群;组;军队

reception 接待;招待会;接收

at war 处于交战状态

remove 移动;搬开

less than 少于

wooden 木制的

doubt n.怀疑;疑惑 vt.怀疑;不信

mystery 神秘;神秘的事物

former 以前的;从前的

worth prep.值得的;相称于…的价值 n.价值;作用 adj.[古]值钱的

rebuild 重建

local 本地的;当地的

apart 分离地;分别地

take apart 拆开

painting 绘画;画

castle 城堡

trial 审判;审讯;试验

eyewitness 目击者;证人

evidence 根据;证据

explode 爆炸

entrance 入口

sailor 水手;海员;船员

sink vi.下沉;沉下

maid 少女;女仆

Berlin 柏林(德国首都)

think highly of 看重;器重

informal 非正式的

debate n.&vi.争论;辩论

Unit 2

ancient adj.古代的;古老的

compete vi.比赛;竞争

competitor n.竞争者

take part in 参加;参与

medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章

stand for 代表;象征;表示

mascot n.吉祥物

Greece 希腊

Greek 希腊(人)的;希腊语的 n;希腊人;希腊语

magical adj 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的

volunteer n.志愿者;志愿兵 adj.志愿的;义务的 vt.&vi.自愿

homeland 祖国;本国

regular adj.规则的;定期的;常规的

basis n.基础;根据

athlete n.运动员;运动选手

admit vt.&vi.容许;承认;接纳

slave 奴隶

nowadays adv.现今;现在

gymnastics 体操;体能练习

athletics 体育运动;竞技

stadium (露天大型)体育场

gymnasium ( gym ) 体育馆;健身房

as well 也;又;还

host 做东;主办;招待 n.主人

responsibility n.责任;职责

olive 橄榄树;橄榄叶;橄榄枝;橄榄色

wreath 花圈;花冠;圈状物

replace vt.取代;替换;代替

motto 座右铭;格言;警句

swift 快的;迅速的

similarity 相像性;相似点

Athens 雅典(希腊首都)

charge vt.&vi.收费;控诉 n.费用;主管

in charge 主管;看守

physical adj 物理的;身体的

fine vt.罚款

poster 海报;招贴

advertise vt.&vi.做广告;登广告

princess 公主

glory 光荣;荣誉

bargain vi.讨价还价;讲条件 n.便宜货

prince 王子

hopeless 没有希望的;绝望的

foolish adj.愚蠢的;傻的

goddess 女神

pain 疼痛;痛苦

one after another 陆续地;一个接一个地

deserve vi.&vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得

striker n.敲击者;(足球的)前锋

Unit 3

abacus n.算盘

calculator n.计算器

PC( = personal comPuter )个人电脑;个人计算

laptop 手提电脑

PDA ( personal digital assistant )掌上电脑;个人数码助理

analytical adj.分析的


universal adj.普遍的;通用的;宇宙的

simplify vt.简化

sum 总数;算术题;金额

operator (电脑)操作员;接线员

logical 逻辑的;合情理的

logically 逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地

technology 工艺;科技;技术

technological adj.科技的

revolution 革命

artificial 人造的;假的

intelligence 智力;智慧;智能

intelligent adj.智能的;智慧的

solve 解决;解答

mathematical 数学的

from … on 从...时起

reality 真实;事实;现实

designer 设计师

personal 私人的;个人的;亲自的

personally 就个人而言;亲自

tube 管;管子;电子管

transistor 晶体管

chip 碎片;芯片

as a result 结果

total adj 总的;整个的 n.总数;合计

totally 完全地;整个地

so … that … 如此...以致于...

network 网络;网状物

web 网

application 应用;用途;申请

finance 金融;财经

mobile 可移动的;机动的

rocket 火箭

explore 探索;探侧;探究

Mars 火星

Anyhow (也作 anyway )无论如何;即使如此

goal 目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分

happiness 幸福;快乐

human race 人类

supporting adj.支持的;支撑的

download 下载

programmer 程序员;程序师

virus 病毒

android 机器人

signal 发信号 n.信号

teammate 同伴;伙伴

type n.类型 vt.&vi.打字

in a way 在某种程度上

coach 教练

arise 出现;发生

with the help of 在...的帮助下

electronic adj 电子的

appearance 外观;外貌;出现

character 性格;特点

mop n.拖把 vt.用拖把拖;擦

deal with 处理;安排;对付

watch over 看守;监视

naughty 顽皮的;淘气的

niece 侄女

spoil vt.损坏;宠坏

Unit 4

wildlife 野生动植物

protection 保护

habitat 栖息地

threaten vt.&vi.恐吓;威胁

decrease vi.&vt.减少;(使)变小;或变少

endanger vt.危害;使受到危险

die out 灭绝

loss n.损失;遗失;丧失

reserve 保护区

hunt vt.&vi.打猎;猎取;搜寻

zone 地域;地带;地区

in peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地

in danger (of) 在危险中;垂危

species 种类;物种

carpet 地毯

respond vi.回答;响应;做出反应

distant 远的;远处的

fur 毛皮;毛;软毛

antelope 羚羊

relief n.(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物

in relief 如释重负;松了口气

laughter 笑;笑声

burst into laughter 忽然笑起来

mercy 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯

certain 确定的;某一;一定

importance 重要(性)

rub vt.擦;摩擦

protect…from 保护…不受…(危害)

mosquito 蚊子

millipede 千足虫

insect 昆虫

contain vt.包含;容纳;容忍

powerful 强大的;有力的

affect vt.影响;感动;侵袭

attention 注重;关注;注重力

pay attention to 注意

appreciate 鉴赏;感激;意识到

succeed vi.成功 vt.接替;继任

rhino 犀牛

secure 安全的

income 收入

employ 雇佣;利用(时间、精力等)

harm n.&vt.损害;危害

bite 叮;咬;刺痛

extinction 灭绝;消亡

dinosaur 恐龙

come into being 形成;产生

county n.县;郡

inspect 检查;视察

unexpected 没料到的;意外的

incident 事件;事变

dust 灰尘;尘土

according to 按照;根据…所说

disappearance n.消失

fierce 凶猛的;猛烈的

so that 以致于;结果

ending n.结局;结尾

faithfully 忠诚地;忠实地

Unit 5

classical 古典的

roll vt.&vi.滚动;(使)摇晃 n.摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈

orchestra 管弦乐队

rap 说唱乐

folk 民间的

jazz 爵士乐

choral 合唱队的

musician 音乐家

dream of 梦见;梦想;设想

pretend 假装;假扮

to be honest 说实在地;实话说

attach 系上;附加;连接

attach to 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接

form 组成;形成;构成

fame 名声;名望

passer-by 过路人;行人

earn 赚;挣得;获得

extra 额外的;外加的

perform 表演;履行;执行

pub 酒馆;酒吧

cash 现金

in cash 用现金;有现钱

studio 工作室;演播室

millionaire 百万富翁;富豪

play jokes on 戏弄

actor 男演员;行动者

rely vi.依赖;依靠

rely on 依赖;依靠

broadcast n.&vi.&vt.广播;播放

humorous 幽默的;诙谐的

familiar 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的

be/get familiar with 熟悉;与…熟悉起来

or so 大约

break up 打碎;分裂;解体

attractive 吸引人的;有吸引力的

addition 加;增加;加法

in addition 另外;也

sort out 分类

excitement 兴奋;刺激

ballad n.歌谣;情歌;民谣

overnight adv.在晚上;在夜里;(口)很快;一夜之间

dip 浸;蘸

lily 百合花

confident 自信的;确信的

brief 简短的;简要的 n.摘要;大纲

briefly 简要地;短暂地

devotion 投入;热爱

afterwards adv.然后;后来

invitation n.邀请;招待

beard 胡须

sensitive adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的

painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的

above all 最重要;首先









Tom said to me,“My brother is doing his homework.”

→Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.



She asked Jack,“Where have you been?”

→She asked Jack where he had been.

He said,“These books are mine.”

→He said that those books were his.




She said,“Is your father at home?”

→She asked me if/whether my father was at home.

“What do you do every Sunday?”My friend asked me.

→My friend asked me what I did every Sunday.


即请求或命令)加上ask,tell,order等动词,如果祈使句为否定式,则在不定式前加not。其句型为:ask/tell/order someone

(not)to do something.例如:

She said to us,“Please sit down.”

→She asked us to sit down.

He said to him,“Go away!”

→He ordered him to go away.

He said,“Don’t make so much noise,boys.”

→He told the boys not to make so much noise.



被动语态的概念:它是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的执行或被执行关系。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,例如:They saw the little boy crying by the river.被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者,例如:The little boy was seen crying by the river.




例如:Rice is planted in the south of China.


例如:These trees were planted the year before last.


例如:A sports meeting will be held next week in our school.


例如:Your radio is being repaired now.


When he got there,the problem was being discussed.


His work has been finished.

Has his work been finished? Yes,it has./No,it hasn’t.



去分词构成被动语态。例如:Their questions haven’t got answered.


More attention should be paid to the old in this country.

This work can’t be done until Mr.Black comes.

3.含有“be going to”,“be to”等结构的谓语,其被动语态分别用“be going to+be+过去分词”和“be to+be+过去分词”。例如:The problem is going to be discussed at the next meeting.

All these books are to be taken to the library.


意它们的区别。被动语态中的过去分词是动词,多强调动作;系表结构中的过去分词相当于形容词,多强调状态。前者通常可用by 引出动作的执行者,而后者则不可以。例如:

The map was changed by someone.(被动结构)

That custom remained unchanged for many centuries.(系表结构)


例如:He was very excited.(系表结构)

He was much excited by her words.(被动结构)

5.主动形式表被动意义。有些动词的主动形式有被动意味,如 open,read,sell,shut,wash,wear,write等。此时句子的主语一般是物。

例如:These books sell well.这些书很畅销。

The door won’t shut.这门关不上。

The clothes wash well.这些衣服很好洗。



1.Have you ever d________ of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone c_________ and enjoying your singing?

2.If we are h________ with ourselves, most of us have dreamed of being famous.

3.After some years, he has f_______ the habit of having a walk after supper.

4. They may play to p_______ in the street or subways so that they can e________ some e______ money.

5. The musicians of whom the band was formed played j______ on each other as well as played music.

6. The rope was tired to the tree l_________.

7. They put an a__________ in a newspaper looking for musicians.

8. Their a________ performances were copies by other groups and their f_____ supported them fiercely.

9. They started to play their own i_________ and write their own songs like a real band.

10.The band b______ up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.

11.He had to go to London, wear an expensive suit and give a p___________ to a TV camera.

12.Nearly everyone knows the famous s__________ “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”.

13. Once you have made up your mind, you must s________ to it.

14. Beethoven once said he had never thought of writing for _________(名誉).

15. While learning, we should not only master some knowledge, but also improve our __________(能力).

16. It's still u________ whether he will come or not.

1. I’m sure she is h_______ with me although I met her for the first time.

2. The poor girl was kneeling on the ground, begging money from the p_________.

3. You’ll get an e_______ gift if you buy something during the Christmas.

4. Even the medium can play j______ on the president on April Fools’ Day.

5. The Internet games are a_______ to some young people.

6. The former USSR(苏联) b______ up many years ago.

7. The assistants of the library are s_________ out the books.

8. Chinese government will always s_______ to the policy to reform and open up to the world.

9. The f_______ music is very familiar among the villagers.

10. The boy sings so well that he dreams of being a m__________ tomorrow.

11. We left our hometown and moved to the big city to e______ much money.

12. When the famous singer appeared on the stage, all the f_______ cheered.

13. He did it so well to win a good r_________ rather than money.

14. They put an a_______________ in a newspaper looking for rock musicians

15. Man has the a________ to speak.

16. They are going to give a p___________ of ‘Hamlet’.

17. I will see you ______________(.后来)

18. As the __________ goes, “Time and tide wait for no man.”(谚语)

19. The doctor is ___________ an operation now.(施行)

20. He expressed it in the __________ of fiction.(形式)


1.她曾经梦想当一名医生。 She _____________ ____________ ___________a doctor.

2.我将和你坦诚相见。 I shall _____________ ____________ ___________ you.


One should _____________ ____________ ___________ when young.


I bought the picture at an ___________ ____________ ___________


He likes to _____________ ____________ ___________ me because we are friends.

6.你能不能借我十元来钱? Can you lend me ten yuan _____________ ________________?

7.警察驱散了人群。 The police _____________ ________________ the_____________ .


I met him _____________ ________________ in the street yesterday.


_____________ ____________ ___________according to their colors .

10.四天后他去了国外. Four days _____________, he went ______________ .


Whatever you say, I still _____________ ________________my plan .


We mustn’t waste anything. __________ __________ we mustn’t _________ ________

13.你应该履行你的诺言。 You should _______________ your ______________.


1. I’m sure she is h_______ with me although I met her for the first time.

2. The poor girl was kneeling on the ground, begging money from the p_________.

3. You’ll get an e_______ gift if you buy something during the Christmas.

4. Even the medium can play j______ on the president on April Fools’ Day.

5. The Internet games are a_______ to some young people.

6. The former USSR(苏联) b______ up many years ago.

7. The assistants of the library are s_________ out the books.

8. Chinese government will always s_______ to the policy to reform and open up to the world.

9. The f_______ music is very familiar among the villagers.

10. The boy sings so well that he dreams of being a m__________ tomorrow.

11. We left our hometown and moved to the big city to e______ much money.

12. When the famous singer appeared on the stage, all the f_______ cheered.

13. He did it so well to win a good r_________ rather than money.

14. They put an a_______________ in a newspaper looking for rock musicians

15. Man has the a________ to speak.

16. They are going to give a p___________ of ‘Hamlet’.

17. I will see you ______________(.后来)

18. As the __________ goes, “Time and tide wait for no man.”(谚语)

19. The doctor is ___________ an operation now.(施行)

20. He expressed it in the __________ of fiction.(形式)


第一组:saying, perform, form, advertisement, fan, folk, ability, stick, clap, attractive

1 The doctors are ________ an operation trying to save the dying man.

2 Jones would move to another city so she put an _________ in the newspaper to sell her house.

3 At college I majored in(主修) _________ literature.

4 What bad luck! My car got _________ in the mud on my way to the meeting.

5 She is an __________ woman and lots of men chase after her.

6 When he was singing the sweet song everyone _________ in time to the music.

7 I will try to do the job to the best of my ________.

8 Jay Chou has lots of ________ among young high school students.

9 Ten years of work in the country ________ the basis of his writing.

10 As the __________ goes, “Practice makes perfect.”

第二组:musician, instrument, loosely, passer-by, extra, reputation, afterwards, frog, unknown, earn

11 My sister takes an interest in music and she can play some musical ________.

12 Sorry, I don’t know where the post office is. I am a _________.

13 As soon as his first novel was published, he earned a ________.

14 ________ have very long back legs for jumping.

15 The old couple ________ their living by collecting and selling used plastic bottles.

16 X is often used to represent an _________ number.

17 After the lunch we parted, so I didn’t know what happened to him _________.

18 I get a low salary so sometimes I work ________ to earn more.

19 He fastened the belt ________ around his waist.

20 Beethoven, a great German _________, lived between 1770 and 1827.


dream of be honest with play jokes on or so break up by chance sort out stick to above all

1 The watch costs 200 yuan ________.

2 It was ________ that I found the jewel.

3 ________, make sure you keep in touch.

4 It is the kind of trip that most of us can only ________.

5 If you _________ others, they will help you a lot.

6 If you _________ the truth, you have nothing to fear.

7 The boys _________ Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldn’t find them.

8 Sentences can be ________ into phrases and phrases into words.

9 Please ________ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away.

二 单项选择

21.I won’t go there. It’s late now. __________, it is raining so hard.

A. That’s B. What’s more C. However D. So

22.------Mary, I have good news to tell you. I have been admitted to Peking University .


A. It’s impossible! B. I’m so pleased.

C. Congratulations! D. That’s all right.

23. ------What about going out for a walk after supper?

-------______. Walking after meals is good for health.

A. I couldn’t agree more. B. I’m afraid not.

C. I believe not. D. I don’t think so.

24. It is suggested that another school___________ in our city.

A. should build B. be set up

C. will be set up D. will build

25. They want to make _____ clear to the public that they are doing an important and necessary job.

A. that B. this C. it D. one

26. ------Whose advice do you think I should take?


A. You speak. B. That’s it. C. It’s up to you. D. You go it.

27. The music ______ she is dancing sounds beautiful.

A. by which B. to which C. with which D. at which

28. You can eat food free in my restaurant _______ you like.

A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however

29. Dr Carl is an expert _____________ the environment.

A. about B. on C. over D. of

30. The population in our country ____ very ________. 80% of the population ______ farmers.

A. is, many, are B. is, large, are

C. are, large, are D. is, much, are

31.The mountains lie near our hotel. There is a fine ________ of the mountains from our hotel window.

A. scenery B. picture C. view D. screen

32. Xi’an was the last city ______ he visited in China.

A. where B. which C. that D. in which

33. Mr. Black _____________ Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane __________ on Sunday?

A. is leaving, takes off B. leaves, takes off

C. is leaving, is taking off D. leaves, is taking off

34. If you had enough money, what __________?

A. will you buy B. would you buy

C. would you have bought D. will you have bought

35. ------Kate is in hospital.

------Oh, really? I _________. _________ visit her.

A. don’t know, I’ll go B. don’t know, I’ll go and

C. didn’t know, I’m going to go and D. didn’t know, I’ll go and


1. dreamed 2. clapping,. honest 3. formed 4. passers-by, earn, extra

5. jokes 6. loosely 7. advertisement 8. attractive, fans 9. instruments

10. broke 11. performance 12. saying 13. stick 14. reputation

15. ability 16. unknown

A. 1. honest 2. passers-by 3. extra 4. jokes 5. attractive 6. broke 7. sorting 8. stick 9. folk 10. musician 11. earn 12. fans 13. reputation 14. advertisement 15. ability 16. afterwards 17. performance 18. saying 19. performing 20.form

B. 1. dreamed of becoming 2. be honest with 3. form good habit 4. extra high price

5. play jokes on 6. or so 7. broke up, crowd 8. by chance 9. Sort out cards

10. afterwards, abroad 11. stick to 12. Above all, waste time 13. perform, promise

Unit5: A. 1. honest 2. passers-by 3. extra 4. jokes 5. attractive 6. broke 7. sorting 8. stick 9. folk 10. musician 11. earn 12. fans 13. reputation 14. advertisement 15. ability 16. afterwards 17. performance 18. saying 19. performing 20.form

一 第一组:1 performing 2 advertisement 3 folk 4 stuck 5 attractive 6 clapped 7 ability 8 fans 9 formed 10 saying

第二组:11 instruments 12 passer-by 13 reputation 14 Frogs 15 earn 16 unknown 17 afterwards 18 extra 19 loosely 20 musician

二 1 or so 2 by chance 3 Above all 4 dream of 5 are honest with 6 stick to 7 played jokes on 8 broken up 9 sort out



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★ 湘教版七年级上册英语第一单元知识点

★ 七年级英语语法知识点归纳总结

★ 人教版七年级下册英语知识点归纳

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