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  一. 动词的时态


  1. 一般现在时的用法

  1) 表示经常性,习惯性的动作;表示现在的状态、特征或真理而不表示具体的特定行为。

  句子中常用often,usually,every day等时间状语。例如: He goes to school every day。(经常性动作) He is very happy.(现在的状态) The earth moves around the sun.〈真理〉

  2) 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时态的形式表示将来。

  If you come this afternoon,we'll have a meeting. When I graduate,I'll go to the countryside.

  3) 有时这个时态表示按计划,规定要发生的动作,(句中都带有时间状语)但限于少数动词如begin,come,leave,go,arrive, start,stop,return,open,close等。 The meeting begins at seven.

  The train starts at nine in the morning. 在时。例如:

  I like English very much.

  2. 一般过去时的用法

  4) 表示状态和感觉的动词,如be,like,hate.think, remember, find,sound等常用一般现

  The story sounds very interesting.

  1) 表示过去某时间发生的事、存在的状态或过去反复发生的动作。

  He saw Mr. Wang yesterday.

  I used to smoke. He worked in a factory in 1988. During the vacation I would swim in the sea. 2) 表示过去经常发生的动作,也可用“used to”和“would+动词原形”。例如:

  注意:used to表示过去常发生而现在不再发生的动作或存在的状态。另外“to be used to+名词(动名词)”表示“习惯于„„’’。例如:

  I am used to the climate here. He is used to swimming in winter.

  3. 一般将来时的用法

  一般将来时表示将来的动作或状态。其表达形式除了“will或shall + 动词原形”外,还有以下几种形式。

  1) ―to be going to+动词原形‖,表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。例如: It is going to rain. We are going to have a meeting today.

  2) go, come, start, move, leave, arrive, stay等可用进行时态表示按计划即将发生的动作。

  I’m leaving for Beijing. Next week I’m staying in the country for days.

  The boy is to go to school tomorrow. 3) ―be to + 动词原形‖表示按计划要发生的事或征求对方意见。 Are we to go on with this work ?


  We are about to leave. I’m about to start out. He gets off at the next stop. 5) 某些词,如come,go,leave,arrive,start,get,stay等的一般现在时也可表示将来。 The meeting starts at five o'clock.

  4. 现在进行时

  1) 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作,由“to be + 现在分词”构成,另外“系动词十


  What are you doing? The bridge is under construction.

  2) 表示感觉,愿望和状态的某些动词如:have, be, hear, see, like等词一般不用进行时。

  3) 非持续性动词一般不用进行时态,但当用于进行时态时所表达的意义是:a) 逐渐地。 b)


  a) I’m beginning to understand it. (我慢慢开始明白了。)

  b) The monkey is jumping up and down there. (那只猴子在那一直上上下下跳个不停。)

  4) 有的句子用一般现在时态和进行时态均可,但用进行时态往往带有感情色彩。比较:

  The Changjiang River flows to the east. (长江向东流。 客观现实)

  The Changjiang River is flowing to the east. (长江滚滚东流。 赞叹)

  Tom often lies to our teachers. (“汤姆经常对老师撒谎。”表汤姆的习惯)

  Tom is always lying to our teacher. (“汤姆老是对老师撒谎。”表说话者厌恶的态度)

  5. 过去进行时的用法

  1) 过去进行时表示过去某一时刻、某一阶段正进行的动作,由“was(were)十 现在分词”

  构成。例如: In 1980 he was studying in a university. He was reading a novel when I came in.

  4) ―be about to+动词原形‖ 表示即刻发生的动作,意为:be ready to do sth.后面一般不

  2) 用一般过去时态和过去进行时态有行为完成与否的差别。比较:

  Yesterday my sister wrote a letter. (写了一封信)

  Yesterday my sister was writing a letter. (这封信或许还没有写完)

  6. 现在完成时的用法


  1) 现在完成时所表示的动作在说话之前已完成,而对现在有影响。句中没有具体时间状语。

  He has gone to Wuhan.(说话人认为他不在该地) He has been to Wuhan.(说话人认为他在该地)

  表示一段时间的状语或so far,now,today,this week(month,year)等表示包括现在 时间在内的状语。例如: He has studied English for 5 years.

  He has studied English since 1985.

  Now I have finished the work.


  3) 现在完成时还可用在时间和条件状语从句中,表示将来某时完成的动作。例如:

  I’ll go to your home when I have finished my homework.

  If it has stopped snowing in the morning,we'll go to the park.

  7. 过去完成时的用法

  1) 过去完成时由“had+过去分词”构成。过去完成时的动词表示过去某一时刻或某一动


  By the end of last year we had bui1t five new houses. I had learnt 5000 words before I entered the university.


  Before he slept,he had worked for 12 hours.

  8. 过去将来时的用法

  过去将来时表示从过去的某时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时由“should或would + 动词原形”构成。第一人称用should,其他人称用would。例如:

  They were sure that they would succeed.

  9. 现在完成进行时的用法

  现在完成进行时由“have(has)+ been+现在分词”构成,表示现在以前一直在进行的动作。有些词,如work,study,live,teach等用现在完成进行时与用现在完成时意思差不多。例如: I have worked here for three years.

  I have been working here for three years.


  I have written a letter.(己写完)

  I have been wring a letter.(还在写)

  注意:表示短暂动作的动词,如finish,marry,get up,come,go等不能用这种时态。

  2) 现在完成时所表示的动作开始于过去,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去。常用for和since

  2) 过去完成时的动词还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间

  二. 动词的语态

  1. 当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语的形式叫主动语态。当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,


  1) 一般现在时:You are required to do this.

  2) 一般过去时:The story was told by her.

  3) —般将来时:The problem will be discussed tomorrow.

  4) 现在进行时:The road is being widened.

  5) 过去进行时:The new tool was being made.

  6) 现在完成时:The novel has been read.

  7) 过去完成时:He said that the work had been finished.

  8) 过去将来时:He said that the trees would be planted soon.

  2. 一些特殊的被动语态结构:

  1) 带情态动词的被动结构:

  The problem must be solved soon.

  2) 带不定式的被动结构:

  The room is going to be painted. The homework needs to be done with care.

  例l)The baby is looked after carefully.



  a) (不及物)动词+介词:agree to,ask for,call for,laugh at,listen to,look after,

  operate on,send for,talk about.think of等。

  b) (及物)动词+副词:bring about,carry out,find out,give up,

  hand in, make out, pass on, point out, put away, put off, take up, think over,

  turn down,turn out,wipe out,work out等。

  c) 动词+副词+介词:do away with,face up to,give in to,look down upon, make up for,

  put up with等。

  例2)They will be taken (good) care of.

  Attention must be paid to your pronunciation.

  用于这类被动结构的短语动词最多见的是“动词+名词+介词”这一结构。如:catch sight of,keep an eye on,make use of,make a fool of,pay attention to, put an end to,set fire / light to, take care of, take hold of,take notice of等。

  例2) 与例1) 的不同点在于,它们用于被动态时能有两种形式。第一种形式是把“动词十名词+介词”作为整体看待。第二种形式是把其中的“动词+名词”作为“动词+宾语”的结构处理。

  4) 带复合宾语的动词在改为被动语态时,一般把主动结构中的宾语改成主语,宾语补足语保留在谓语后面。例如:

  We always keep the classroom clean. (比较:The classroom is always kept clean.)

  3) 短语动词的被动结构:

  5) 汉语有一类句子不出现主语,在英语中一般可用被动结构表示,例如:

  据说„„ 希望„„ 据推测说„„ It is said that„ It is hoped that„ It is supposed that„ It must be admitted that„ It must be pointed out that„ It is well known that„ It will be said that„ It is generally considered that„

  It is believed that„ 必须承认„„ 必须指出„„ 众所周知„„ 有人会说„„ 大家认为„„ 有人相信„„

  3. 表示被动含义的主动动词

  1) 系动词没有被动形式,但有些系动词常表示被动意义。常见的有look, taste, sound, smell,

  prove, feel等, 例如:

  Your reason sounds reasonable.? The door won’t open. The book sells well.? Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. It can’t move. These clothes wash easily. The dust has blown into the house. 2) 一些与can’t或won’t连用的动词。 常用的有: lock, shut, open, act等, 例如: 3) 一些与well, easily, perfectly等连用的动词, 如: sell, wash, clean, burn, cook等, 例如: 4) 用在 ―主语 + 不及物动词 + 主语补语‖ 句型中的一些不及物动词, 例如: This material has worn thin.?

  4. 表示被动含义的主动结构

  1) 在动名词结构中

  be worth, want (=need), need, require后所用的动名词, 必须用主动结构表被动意义。

  These young seedlings will require / need looking after (= need to be looked after) carefully. Your hair wants / needs cutting (needs to be cut).

  a) 作定语:不定式结构常表示动宾关系, 即用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。这种情

  形最常出现在 ―There + be + 主语 + 修饰主语的不定式‖ 和 ―及物动词 + 宾语 (或双宾语) + 修饰宾语的不定式‖ 结构中, 特别是 ―主语 + have + 宾语 + 修饰宾语的不定式‖ 结构中。

  Give him some books to read.? He has a family to support. There is a lot of work to do. 当然, 这里的不定式在个别情形下也可用被动形式, 含义区别不大,例如: There is so much work to do / to be done. Give me the names of the people to contact / to be contacted.

  是应用主动形式表示被动含义。适合于此结构的形容词比较多, 最常用的有amusing, cheap, dangerous, difficult, easy, important, nice, pleasant等, 例如:

  That question is difficult to answer.? Chicken’s legs are nice to eat.

  2) 在不定式结构中 b) 在―主语 + be + 形容词 + 不定式‖句型中, 有时主语是不定式结构的逻辑宾语, 这在be to结构中的一些不定式:这种结构中的不定式通常应用主动表主动, 被动表被

  动。然而,由于古英语的影响, 下列动词仍用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义:

  Who is to blame for starting the fire? The house is to let. A lot remains to do.

  3) 在特殊结构中

  a) ―be + under +名词‖ 结构:这种结构表示某事 ―在进行中‖。例如: The building is under construction.?

  The whole matter is under discussion (= is being discussed).

  经常这样用的名词还有repair (修理), treatment (治疗), question (质问)等。

  b) ―be worthy of +名词‖结构: 在这一结构中, 名词和句子的主语有被动含义, 如: a man worthy of support nothing worthy of praise

  此结构后通常用表示行为的名词, 而不用动名词的被动形式。


  一. 简单句


  I saw him walking to the office this morning and looking eager to get there and start work. (saw 是限定动词;walking,looking,to get,start都是非限定性动词,即非谓语动词。)

  While cutting trees,one man was nearly killed by a falling tree. (was是限定动词;cutting,killed,falling是非限定动词。)

  You can either stay here or come with us.

  (stay,come都是非限定动词;can是情态动词,can stay or come作谓语。)

  二. 并列句

  1. 并列连词及其使用

  1) 常用的并列连词(或称等立连词)有:and,or,but,for,not only...but(also),either...or,


  2) 除for以外的并列连词都可以用来连接一个单句里的两个并列成分,例如:

  Jenny and I are good friends。 We run,jump and shout for joy together.


  We go for a walk or watch TV after supper.。

  The bike is quite old but in excellent condition.

  Either your answer or mine is wrong.

  3) 除both...and以外的并列连词还可用来连接两个简单句(或称并列分句),构成并列句。

  She was often late and everybody knew,but no one asked why.

  The old lady doesn't go out in the winter, for she feels the cold a great deal.

  Not only is the teacher himself interested h the subject but a11 his students are beginning to show an interest in it.

  2. 连接并列分句的其它手段

  1) when/where偶尔也可作并列连词;如:

  I was walking down the street when I remembered that I had forgotten my umbrella.(when = and then)

  Last night I went to the theatre where I saw Tom's parents,(where = and there) The tongue is not steel,yet it cuts.

  I’m busy today,so can you come tomorrow?

  Go into the cave,then they won't see you.

  It may be possible or not;however,we shall understand.

  I’ve never been to Berlin;therefore I don't know much about it. 2) 副词yet,的和then可以连接并列分句:

  3) 还可用分号“;”。如: 3. 并列分句的排列顺序 必须考虑各分句之间的逻辑关系及其时间上的先后顺序,具体情况具体分析。 1) 有些并列的分句可以相互颠倒,并不影响所表达的句意,如: Everyone was in the classroom and the doors were closed.

  (=The doors were c1osed and everyone was in the classroom.)

  2) 多数并列句里的分句不能相互颠倒。如:

  Most of us were in the classroom,the doors were closed and the late comers had to wait Outside.


  We were coming to see you,but it rained(so we didn’t)。


  三. 复合句

  1. 复合句由一个主句和一个(或一个以上的)从句组成。用来连接从句的连词是从属连词。从句附属于主句的方式有三种:

  1) 相当另一个句子里的某个名词或名词词组的作用,作名词从句。

  Everyone could see the truth / (that) it was true.

  2) 修饰句子里的某个名词或代词,作定语从句。如:

  I often see My old friends / my school friends who were at school with me.

  3) 相当另一个句子里的某个状语的作用,作状语从句。如:

  I met your brother ten years ago / when I came to this school. 2. 两类连词的区分与使用 并列连词与从属连词的作用不同,注意不可混用。如:

  不能说:*Although I was good at maths,but I was never given full marks.(although与but不能连用)

  应说:Although I was good at maths,(yet)I was never given full marks.

  或: I was good at maths,but/yet I was never given full marks.

  不能说:*Unless you work harder,or you will fail to pass the test.(unless与or不能连用)

  应说:Unless you work harder,you will fail to pass the test.

  或:Work harder/you must work harder, or you will fail to pass the test.

  四. 陈述句的肯定与否定

  1. not及其它否定词的使用

  1) 否定句一般可以由否定词not及必要的助词来构成,例如:

  These exercises are not difficult.

  I don't like sweets.

  2) 除not以外,还有以下这些否定词,也能构成否定句:

  a) never,hardly,seldom一类含否定意义的副词。如:

  I have not / never / hardly (ever)/ seldom spoken to Mr. George.

  I have not said anything to anybody about it.

  I have spoken to nobody / no one about it.

  I have said nothing to anybody about it.

  I haven't any money / I have no money.

  I haven't any./ I have none.

  c) neither和nor,主要在以下句式中:

  ---I haven't spoken to Mr. George.

  ---Neither/Nor have I.


  Neither Bob nor I broke the window. We neither want nor need any help from you, thank you. b) no,none以及其它由no-构成的复合词(nothing,nobody,no one,nowhere等)。

  2. 肯定变否定时的其它相应变化

  肯定与否定句的区别,除了看有无否定词之外,还可能体现在其它方面,试比较: I have found some mistakes already.

  I haven't found any yet?(some >>> any;already >>> yet)

  I have found some mistakes,too.

  I haven't found any either.(too >>> either)

  五. 疑问句

  1. 否定问句

  1) 否定问句可由否定句变来,例如:

  He doesn't eat meat.

  I haven't seen him.


  Does he not eat meat?(不能说 *Does not he...?)

  Have you not seen him?(不能说 *Have not you...?)

  3) 否定问句的回答要“前后如一”,不可受汉语影响犯以下这类错误:

  — Doesn't he eat meat?

  一Yes,he does. /No,he doesn't.

  (不能说 Yes,he doesn't./No,he does.)

  2. 反意疑问句的一般构成

  1) 反意疑问句的一般构成是:肯定陈述,否定尾句;否定陈述,肯定尾句。要注意反问尾



  Jane is your cousin,isn’t she? There is no doubt,is there?

  We need to ask first,don’t we? We needn’t ask first,need we?

  2) 要注意陈述部分主语后面的缩写形式 's或 'd的真实意义,以决定尾句应该选用的助动


  He’s never met you before,has he? (He's=He has)

  He’s going to tell you the truth,isn't he?(He's=He is)

  You'd better go, hadn't you? (you'd =you had)

  You'd rather stay, wouldn't you?(you'd =you would)

  3) 要注意“否定陈述+肯定尾句”的回答必须前后一致。

  You seldom go swimming in the morning,do you?

  Yes,I do,/No,I don't.

  3. 比较特殊的反意疑问句


  Few people knew the answer,did they?(few为否定含义,后接肯定尾句。)

  I'm older than you,aren't I?(I am后面的否定尾句常用aren't I?)

  Pass me the newspaper,will you?(肯定祈使句用will you?)

  Don't be late next time,will you?(否定祈使句后也用will you?)

  Remember to lock the door,won't you?(用won't you表示请求或恳求。)

  Use your head,can't you?(can't you表示不耐烦或不满的斥责。)

  Let's do it by ourselves,shall we?(第一人称祈使句,we包括说话人与听话人双方。)

  Let us do it by ourselves,will you?(第二人称祈使句,we只指说话人一方。)

  Everybody has been told what to do,haven't they?(尽管hasn't he似乎更合语法;习惯常用 haven't they。)

  Doesn't he eat meat? >>> Haven't you seen him?

  2) 否定问句的开头一般都用not的缩写形式;如分开,则须将not放到主语之后,但这类

  None of us knew the way,did we?(none of us作主语, 尾句中用we)

  Some of you are learning Russian,aren't you?(同上句理解。)

  4. 特殊疑问句

  1) 两种语序:

  a) 当疑问词为主语或主语的定语时,语序与陈述句相同,如:

  Somebody broke the window. >>> Who broke the window?

  Something broke the window. >>> What broke the window?

  Somebody's window was broken. >>> Whose window was broken?

  b) 当疑问词为其它成分时,则疑问词后面的语序与一般疑问句相同,如:

  He was reading China Daily. >>> What paper was he reading?

  I saw the film yesterday. >>> When did you see the film?

  2) 要注意选择恰当的疑问词以及与之搭配的其他词语,如:

  I bought a bike made in Tianjing. >>> What bike did you buy?

  The new bike under the tree is mine. >>> Which bike is yours? He did his work carefully. >>> How did he do his work?

  I go to the library twice a week.>>> How often do you go to the library?

  He painted the desk white.>>> What color did he paint the desk?

  5. 两类选择疑问句

  1) 一类是以一般疑问句为基础的。如:

  Do you speak French or German?

  Will they come to see us or sha11 we go to see them?

  Has Henry finished his breakfast or hasn't he?

  2) 另一类是以特殊疑问句为基础的,可以看成是由一个Wh- 问句加上并列起来供人选择


  How do you go to school every day,by bus or on foot?

  When shall we set off,at six or (at)six thirty?

  六. 祈使句

  1. 祈使句的主语

  1) 主语应为第二人称时,通常不表示出来,如:

  Read after me, please. Be careful with your pronunciation. Have this seat,will you?(可加反意疑问句) Let me have a try. Let him try again. All/Everybody be here at two o'clock。(也可不用Let) 2) 行为动作的主语为第一、三人称时,祈使句通带以Let开头:

  2. 祈使句的强调与否定

  1) 祈使句的强调结构是在句首加Do:

  Do come early next time. Do be careful! 2) 祈使句的否定是在句首加Don't: Don't ask me why. Don't be late.

  Don't 1et there be too much noise.

  Never buy what you cannot pay for.(也可用Never)

  3. 祈使句+and/or结构


  Give h1m an inch, and he'll take a yard. (=lf you give him an inch, he'll take a yard.)

  Wear your coat,or you'll catch cold.(If you don't wear your coat,you'll catch cold.) 七. 感叹句

  1. What +(a/an)+adj. + n.+ 主谓

  What a beautiful day it is!

  What wonderful weather we are having!

  1) What之后是否用a/an要看后面的名词是否可数;是单数还是复数:

  What beautiful music the boy is playing!(music不可数,前面不可加a/an.) What fools they were!(fools,复数,不可加a/an) What a beautiful day!

  What fools!

  How hard you've been working! How time flies!

  2) 在上下文清楚的情况下,感叹句中的主谓结构甚至形容词都可省略。如: 2. How + adj./adv. + 主谓!

  How happy we are!

  How也可修饰句中动词,如: How I miss you,my friend! 3. How+adj.+ a/an +单数名词„:

  How foolish a boy he is!(= What a foolish boy he is!)



  不定式和动名词在作主语时常常可以互换: Crying/To cry will not help you out of difficulty 但是要注意以下的几点:

  1. 动名词作主语通常表示抽象动作,而不定式作主语通常表示抽象动作,而不定式做主


  Living in Beijing must be wonderful.(泛指行为)

  He realized that to live with her any longer was wrong (具体行为) 2. 当主语被否定时,通常用不定式:

  Not to have hope is the poorest of all conditions

  3. 在It is important/necessary…的结构中,主语只能用不定式,不用动名词:

  It is important to grasp the spirit of a foreign language in order to use it feely. It became necessary to build new factories for products never before produced 4. 在It takes+时间等+。¨的结构中,主语常用不定式:

  How much cloth will it take to make a shirt?

  5. 在There is no … 和It is no good …结构中,通常用动名词 二、不定式与动名词作表语时的比较

  不定式和动名词在作表语时常常可以互换: His job is bringing/to bring milk every day


  To see is to believe. Seeing is believing.


  1. 主语是it,this,that等指示代词时,表语通常用动名词:

  That was playing with fire.

  2. 主语是名词时,表语较短时通常用动名词,表语较长时通常用不定式:

  My favorite sport is swimming.

  What I like is to swim in the sea and then to lie on the sand


  1. 接不定式或动名词作宾语意义区别不大的动词常见的有:begin,start,continue,love,


  Almost all the boys like to play/playing football . 但以上的动词中有一部分在下列情况下通常用不定式作宾语:

  1) 在would like/love/hate等的后面:

  I'd like(love)to have a drink.

  I'm starting to talk about it.

  3) 当begin后接某些感觉或状态动词时:

  She began to see what he meant.

  2. 接不定式或动名词作宾语,意义不同的动词或词组常见的有:

  1) remember/forget/regret+doing或to do sth

  I must remember to ask him (指记住要做的事)

  I shall always remember seeing the famous scientist (指记住己经发生过的事) Don’t forget to bring your dictionary.(不要忘记要做的事)

  I will never forget meeting you here (不会忘记曾发生过的事)

  I regret telling you so much (懊悔己经作过的事=I'm sorry told you so much。)

  I regret to tell you that you have failed your exam(regret发生在to tell之前,=I’m sorry

  to tell you…)

  可见,上述用法中,动名词指己经发生的事,不定式指发生在renumber, forget或

  regret以后的事。要注意:可以用动名词的完成式替代一般式;通常不用*I forgot

  doing it 而说:I forgot that I had done it 或I forgot about doing it.

  2) stop/go on/leave of+doing或to do sth.

  They stopped smoking (停止吸烟) They stopped to smoke (停下所做的事,开始吸烟) He went on reading (继续读) He went on to read.(放下原来做的事,转而读书) He left off playing tennis (停止打网球) They left off to play tennis (离开某处去打网球) 以上stop,leave off或go on后面的不定式都不是其宾语,而是作目的状语。 3) try+to do或doing sth. He'll try to finish the work as soon as possible.

  Please try putting some more salt- that might make it taste a bit better.

  try to do sth.中,try是不及物动词,意思是“没法、努力、尽力”,to do sth作目的

  状语;try doing sth中,try是及物动词,意思是“尝试、试一试”,看会发生什么情

  2) 当这部分动词是进行时态时:


  4) mean+to do/doing sth.


  I meant to telephone you last Friday but I didn’t have time to.


  This kind of illness means going to hospital.


  The room wants repairing ( = to be repaired)

  The radio needs fixing ( = to be fixed)

  6) be afraid+to do sth。或of doing sth.

  接带to的不定式时,意为“不敢”做某事,“害怕”做某事: She was afraid to see you again.

  接“of+动名词”时,意为“担心”或“害怕”发生某种情况: 5) need/want/require+doing(=to be done)。

  I'm afraid of making mistakes when I speak English.

  7) be interested+to do sth。/in doing sth。

  My sister is interested in becoming a doctor.


  My sister is interested to be a doctor。


  3. 除了一部分既可接不定式、也可按动名词作宾语的动词外,还有一部分动词后面只能接


  四、to be done,being done或done(作定语)

  不定式被动式、现在分词一般被动式与过去分词作定语时,存在时间关系上的区别。例如: The power station to be built next year will be of great benefit to the industry and agriculture of our Province.(to be built指将来 =which will be bui1t)

  The power station being built now will be one of the largest in Asia.(being built=which is being built.

  The power station built on the river last year has been left to our management.(built on the river指己完成 = which was bui1t on the river )


  1. 在see,hear,find等一类表示感觉的动词后:

  1) 不带to不定式作宾语补足语,表示其动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生,并强调动作

  发生的全过程或事实: We saw the computer operate well 2) 现在分词作宾语补足语,表示其动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生,强调正在进行: We saw the computer operating very well

  3) 过去分词则往往表示动作完成的状态:

  We found the work of the computer done

  2. 表示心理状态的动词:consider,declare, find,prove,think,know,believe,discover,imagine,judge,suppose,understand的宾语补足语一般,用 to be:

  We found him to be cruel.

  You surely can’t consider him to be selfish man.



  分词有现在分词和过去分词两种,主要在句中要起形容词和副词的作用。它们可以带有自己 的宾语、表语、状语等。


  1. 在语态上,现在分词表示主动的意思,而及物动词的过去分词表示被动的意思: the moving body(运动着的物体):the moved body(被移动的物体)。


  I saw someone opening the door.

  I saw the door opened.


  分词或分词短语作定语,通常是说明句子中名词的,但有时也说明代词one(ones),that (those),some,others,anything,something等:

  The girl in the next room is his sister.

  Today's computers are of much greater difference those used in the past(说明those)

  1. 现在分词作定语

  1) 表示正在进行的动作(变为定语从句时常用进行时态):

  The man standing(=Who is standing)at the door is our new maths teacher.

  2) 表示经常性动作或现在(或当时)的状态(变为定语从句时常用一般时态):

  They visited the museum lying(=which lies)nearby .


  People wishing (= who wished)to see the film star had waited two hours outside the


  4) 除以上情况外,用定语从句比用现在分词短语作定语更好。例如:

  The students who had attended the lecture were discussing it.

  2. 过去分词短语作定语

  1) 意指过去分词所表示的动作是在谓语所表示的动作之前发生:

  Is this book written by the young man? A letter posted this morning will probably reach her tomorrow.

  3) 动词wish,want,hope,know,think,believe,expect的现在分词短语常可用作定2. 在时间关系上,一般来说,现在分词表示正在进行的动作或动作的进展过程,即它所表没有一定的时间性:

  I don't like to see letters written in pencil.

  3. 作定语时的位置

  1) 单个分词作定语,常置于被说明的词之前,不强调动作而强调某种性质或特征: The cold wind was blowing through a broken window.

  2) 单个分词作定语,有时放在被说明的词之后,用来强调动作:

  We have had good harvests for many years running. (我们连续多年获得丰收。)

  3) 分词短语作定语时,通常位于被说明的词之后



  1. 现在分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语应该和句子的主语是一致的。

  1) 作时间状语,相当子when等引起的从句:

  Seeing those pictures(=When he saw those pictures),he couldn’t help thinking of those memorable days in his hometown.

  Having done their homework(=After they had done/did their homework),they went

  swimming in the lake.

  如果两个动作是完全同时发生的,也常用when或while加分词这种结构: He got to know them while attending a meeting in London.

  Being so poor in those days( =As they were so poor),they couldn't afford to send the

  children to school.

  Not having received an answer(=As she hadn’t received an answer),she wrote another

  1etter to her parents.



  3) 作结果状语:

  They opened fire,killing one of our villagers.

  2. 过去分词短语作状语,句中的主语往往是过去分词的逻辑宾语。

  1) 作时间状语,相当于一个表示时间的状语从句:

  Seen from the hill (=When it is seen from the hill),our town looks 1ike a beautiful


  2) 作原因状语,相当于一个表示原因的状语从句:

  Born into a poor family(=As he was born in a poor family),he got only two years of school education.

  3) 说明谓语所表示的动作发生的背景或情况:

  Built in 1891, the building is over 100 years Old .


  2) 作原因状语,相当于一个表示原因的状语从句:

  1. see/hear/watch/notice√smell/feel/observe/listen to/look at+宾语+现在分词: We watched the girl going through some of the movements they had just leaned. At this moment he noticed the teacher coming in.

  2. catch/find+宾语+现在分词:

  I caught Tom reading my diary and he made an apology to me for it.

  We found a tree lying across the road.

  3. have/get/keep/leave+宾语+现在分词:

  I'll have the car waiting at the gate. Will that be all right?

  Do you think you can get the radio working?

  4. have+宾语+过去分词:其中have有三个不同的含义:

  1) “使„被完成”(常可用get代替have):

  I'd like to have (get) my radio repaired

  2) “遭受”、 “经历”(不能用get代替):

  He had his watch stolen yesterday.

  3) “有、拥有”:

  He felt in his pocket to see if he had any money left.

  5. make + oneself + known/understood/heard等过去分词:

  He repeated explanations,but he couldn't make himself understood.

  6. with+介词宾语+现在分词或过去分词:

  They sat in the room with the curtains drawn.

  With the tree growing tall,we get more and more shade.

  7. like/want/wish/order/+宾语+过去分词

  He won't like such questions discussed in his house.

  8. find或think、feel等+宾语+changed/lost/gone/broken/come等过去分词(说明宾


  We found him greatly changed. When they entered the hall, they found the guests gone. 以上有些结构可变为被动语态,其补语形式依然不变,起主语补语的作用。


  其形式为:having done(主动形式),表示这动作发生在谓语所表示的动作之前: Having arrived at a decision, they immediately set to work.


  其形式为:(以do为例)being done(一般式),having been done(完成式)。


  1. 作定语:

  This is one of the experiments being carried (= which are being carried) on in our lab.

  2. 作状语:

  Being asked to sing a song,he couldn't very well refuse.


  The decision having been made,the next problem was how to put it into practice. (分词本身带逻辑主语the decision而构成独立主格结构充当状语)

  3. 作宾语补足语:

  You'll find the news being talked about everywhere.



  Gone are the days when we use foreign oil.


  You can see some fallen leaves at the corner.

  这类过去分词常见的有:fallen,come,gone, risen, grown up,returned等.


  1. 一部分表示“情感”,“心情”等意义的动词的现在分词有“令人/使人„的”意思,常用


  The president made an inspiring speech at the meeting yesterday.

  2. 它们的过去分词有“感到/觉得 „”的意思,用来指人的感觉:

  这类容易混淆的分词常见的有:encouraging — encouraged; exciting— excited;interesting — interested;astonishing — astonished;disappointing — disappointed;inspiring — inspired;puzzling — puzzled;surprising — surprised;shocking — shocked;discouraging — discouraged;pleasing — pleased;tiring - tired;worrying — worried;satisfying — satisfied;moving — moved; 八、容易混淆的现在分词和过去分词



  1. 一般置于句首:

  Reading English is easier than speaking it.

  2. 有时也可以用it作形式主语,而把动名词放在谓语动词之后。 It will be nice seeing them again.


  1) It’s no use…;It is no use crying over spilt milk.

  2) It's no good…;It is no good feeling self——satisfied over your first success. 3) Is it any good…? Is it any good trying to exp1ain? 4) It's a waste of time…;It's a waste of time arguing about it. 3. 动名词还可以在There is no„句子结构中做主语: There is no asking him to come now.He is busy.

  这种句子中的动名词常带有宾语,其句型含义相当于It is impossible to do„



  Our task is building China into a powerfu1 modern socialist country. 1. 作动词宾语:

  This factory has stopped producing the old type of engine.

  必须接动名词作宾语的动词常见的有:consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,excuse,finish, give up,cannot help(禁不住),imagine,mind,miss,practise,put off,resist,suggest,



  2. 作介词宾语:

  在介词后面,常常用动名词作宾语,这样构成的介词短语常用作定语或状语 There are several ways of doing it.(定语) After finishing the experiments, we wrote down the results.(状语) 这样的介词短语间或作表语: I am for putting the meeting off.

  须接动名词做介词宾语的成语很多,最常见的有:Insist on, think of dream of hear of

  prevent…from, keep…from, stop…from, be engaged in, look forward to,depend on,

  thank…for, feel like,excuse…for, aim at, devote…to, set about, spend…(in),waste…(in),

  get/be used to,be fond of be afraid of, be tired of succeed in, be interested in, feel/be ashamed of, be proud of等。



  1. 物主代词+动名词


  His going there won't do any harm(主语)

  Do you think his going there will be of any help? (主语)

  What's troubling them is their not having enough food.(表语)

  They insisted on my staying there for dinner.(宾语)

  2. 名词的所有格+动名词


  We all thought Tom's going there a great mistake.

  3. 人称代词宾格+动名词(不能放在句首用作主语)He was angry about me not having to

  leave early.

  4. 名词的普通格+动名词(不能放在句首用作主语)

  I don't like young people smoking. 其它情况下的动名词的逻辑主语形式

  1) 如果动名词的逻辑主语是无生命的东西,就只能用普通格。

  Is there any hope of your factory winning the game?

  2) 如果动名词的逻辑主语是一个较长的名词词组,也只能用普通格:

  Did you ever hear of a man of good sense refusing such an order?

  There is no chance of that being settled.

  I’m sorry. I have no idea of it being midnight. 3) 当动名词的逻辑主语是不定代词、指示代词或指时间的it时,常用其宾格:


  1. 一般式:not doing(主动形式):not being done(被动形式)

  2. 完成式:not having done(主动形式);not having been done(被动形式)

  注意:当动名词带有逻辑主语时,not应放在逻辑主语后面。如:his not seeing the film.


  其形式为:(以do为例)having done(主动形式);having been done(被动形式)。如果动名词表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前,常用其完成式: He was praised for having completed thirty years of teach.

  但是在forget,remember,regret等动词和apologize for,excuse…for,thank…for等成语后, 经常可用动名词的一般式来代替其完成式: I remember posting (=having posted) the letter.

  Excuse me for coming (=having come) late 七、动名词的被动式

  其形式为:(以do为例)being done(一般式);having been done(完成式)

  当动名词的逻辑主语是动名词所表示的动作的对象;当句中的主语逻辑上是动名词所表示的动作的对象时,动名词一般要用被动式(多数情况下用一般被动式代替完成被动式): They insisted on their being treated as ordinary workers. This question is far from being settled.


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