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( ) 1. A. brown   B. brother   C. black

( ) 2. A. father   B. grandma   C. friend

( ) 3. A. yes   B. not   C. no

( ) 4. A. O   B. R   C. I

( ) 5. A. me   B. my   C. your

( ) 6.A .blue   B. brother   C. jacket


1. G .   2. Nn

3. Vv   4. q

5. T   6. j


1. 一个鸡蛋__________________2.我的光盘______________

3. this green skirt_________________ 4.what about_____________

5. on a picnic ___________________ 6. at home ______________

7. What colour is that new robot?______________________________

8. Nice to meet you, Miss Wang.______________________________

9. Happy Birthday, my brother!_______________________________

10.Look, this is my family.___________________________________


( )1.Are you Mike?   A. Good morning.

( )2. Hello. I’m Su Hai.   B. Hello, Yang Ling.

( )3.What’s this?   C. No, I’m not.

( )4.Good afternoon, Miss Li.   D. It’s great.

( )5.This is my brother, Tim.   E. It’s a car.

( )6.She is my sister, Yang Ling.   F. No, thank you.

( )7.Would you like an egg?   G. Hello, Su Hai.

( )8.Look at my new skirt.   H. Good afternoon, class.

五 选择题。

( )1. It is an _________ car.

A. orange   B. blue   C. ice cream

( )2. ______ you Mr Green ? No, I’m Uncle John.

A. Am   B. Are   C. Is

( )3.That nice jacket is for ______ mother.

A. I   B. you   C. my

( )4. He’s ________ Mike.

A. no   B. yes  C. not

( )5. ---What is this? --- ______.

A. This is a ball.   B. It’s ball.   C. A ball.

( )6. ______ is your grandpa.

A. He   B. She  C.He’s

( )7. 你想邀请Su Hai吃一块蛋糕, 可以问:

A. Would you like an ice cream, Su Hai?

B. Would you like a cake, Su Hai?

( )8.初次见面时你可以说:

A. Nice to meet you.  B. Hello.

( )9.想知道新裙子是什么颜色,你会说:

A. What colour is this new skirt?   B.What is this?

( )10.朋友过生日时,你会说:

A. Happy Birthday to you!   B. Happy New Year!



U  B  P   D  V  Q  Y   I   L

d  v  u  b  p   I  y  j  q


1、A、mothe  B、brother  C、teacher

2、 A、duck   B、desk   C、chair

3、A.、plane  B、pear   C、peach

4、 A、small   B、giraffe   C、short

5、A、fifteen  B、twelve  C、friend  

6、A、bike  B、grape   C、bus


()1、—cats can you see? —I can see twenty.

A、How  B、What  C、How many

( )2、—I haveapple.—Me too.  

A、an  B、a  C、some

( )3—Who’s that man?—He’s my  .

A、mothe  B、 father  C、sister

( )4 Do you like oranges?—  .

A、Yes,I do.   B、No,I do.  C、Yes,I don’t.


( )1、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:

A、Who’s this boy?   B、 Who’s that boy?  C、Who’s that girl?

( )2、想询问别人小汽车在哪里,应怎样问:

A、Where’s my car?  B、Where’s my cat?  C、This is my car.

( )3、如果有人对你说:“I’m sorry.”你应该怎么回答:

A、Thank you.  B、You’re welcome.   C、it’s OK.

(  )4、你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,应该这样问:

A、Where are you from?   B、How are you?   C、how old are you?


()1、Who’s that girl?   a、OK!

()2、Have some fruits.     b、Sure.Here you are.

( )3、Do you like peaches?   c、It’s on the desk.

( )4、Let’s watch TV.   d、She’s my sister.

( )5、Can I have a pear,please?  e、Thank you.

( )6、Where’s my ruler?    f、I have twelve.

( )7、How many crayons do you have?   g、I’m from China.

( )8、Where are you from?      h、Yes,I do.


( )1、Can I use your pencil?

A、我能借用你的钢笔吗?   B、我能借用你的铅笔吗?

( )2、It has a long nose and a short tail.



( )3、Welcome back to school!

A、欢迎回到学校!   B、让我们一起去学校!

( )4、Do you like pears?

A、你喜欢梨吗?    B、你喜欢桃吗?


一、 小小翻译官,选出正确的'译文

(   )1.Hollo,Are you Liu Tao?    A. 不,我不是。

(   )2.Morning,my dear.     B.你好,你是刘涛吗?

(   )3.I’m Sam.         C.再见,博比。

(   )4.Hi,YangLing.        D.宝贝,早上好。

(   )5.No,I’m not.        E.我是山姆。

(   )6.Goodbye,Bobby.       F.你好,杨玲。

二、 想一想,选一选。

(   )1.当王兵向新认识的朋友做自我介绍时,他说

A.Hello!     B. Hello, I’m Wang Bing.

C. Good morning, Miss Li.

(   ) 2. 想问对方是不是迈克时,可以这样问

A. Hello, Mike.     B. Good afternoon.

C. Yes, I am.

(   ) 3.早上遇到你的同学,你可以说

A. Good morning.     B. Good afternoon.

C. Yes, I am.

(   ) 4.与“Hi, I’m Bobby”意思一样的句子是

A.Hello, I’m Bobby.     B. Hi, Bobby.

C. I’m Mike.


(  )1.A:Good morning, Yang Ling.


a.Good morning, Mike.    b.Godming,Yng Ling

(  )2.A: Are you Liu Tao?


a.Yes, I’m Yang Ling.     b.No, I’m not.

(   ) 3.A. Goodbye, Wang Bing.


a.Goodbye, Miss Li.    b.Good afternoon, Su Hai.

(   ) 4.A:______________________________

B: Hello, I’m Mike.

a.Yes, I am.    b.Hi, I’m Liu Tao.

(   ) 5. A: Are you John?


a.Yes, I am.    b.Hello, John.

(   ) 6.A:___________________________

B: Good afternoon, Helen.

a.Good afternoon.     b. Good morning.

(   ) 7.A:__________________________

B: Yes, I am.

a.I’m Bobby  .  b.Are you Bobby?

(   ) 8. _________is Tina. She’s my_________

a.This; Sam    b.This; friend.

(   ) 9. _________John. _________My friend.

a.She’s; She’s    b.He’s; He’s

(   ) 10. _________Yang Ling. _________Liu Tao.

a.She’s; He’s    b.He’s; She’s





1. KFC ______2.bed________ 3. hj _________ 4.BIG________

5. ABC_______ 6. age________ 7. bcdf ______ 8. CAF_______ 9. BEE_______


一. 听力部分(40%)

1. Listen and finish (听录音,完成下列单词)10%

1)b___ ___sh  2)th___ ___sty 3)bi___ ___cle 4)t___ ___el 5)wi___ ___

6)g___ ___e 7)Chris___ ___as 8)li___ ___t  9)t___ ___i 10)p___ ___cil

2. Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的单词)10%

1) bowl (  )  boat (  )     2) summer (  ) supper (  )

3) soup (  )  soap (  )     4) wind (  )  window(  )

5) moon (  )  room (  )    6) dirty (  )   bird (  )

7) eat (  )   egg (  )     8) on (  )   under (  )

9) cook (  )  clock (  )    10) eight (  )  light (  )

3. Listen and number (听录音,按顺序给下列图编号)10%

(  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

(  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

4.Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的句子)5%

1) (  ) Give me that hat.

(  ) Give that cat to me.

2) (  ) He‘s an old postman.

(  ) He’s a fat policeman.

3) (  ) There is a bin for you.

(  ) There is a bag for you.

4) (  ) 上海版小学二年级英语第二学期期中考试题:Close your books.

(  ) Clean your box.

5) (  ) I like summer. I can see flowers in summer.

(  ) I like winter. I can see snow in winter.

5. Listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)5%

1) Do you want ________(somesoup) cakes?

2) Don‘t ________(cleanclimb) the tree.

3) There is some soup in the ________(bowlglass).

4) Spotty is ________(onunder) the sofa.

5) At night, I brush my ________(face eeth).

二.  阅读部分:60%

1. Think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)10%

1) ___ ___c   2) ___ f ___    3) p ___ ___

4) ___ s___   5) ___ ___z

2. Finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%

l___nch  bre___kf___ ___t  t___me wa___c ___  d___nne___

sch___o___   nigh___   d___y   clo___k   fi___e

3. Read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 5%

1) three    tree     four     five

2) shirt     socks    snow    tie

3) tree     under    in     on

4) spoon    meat     soup    fish

panda    hot dog    horse    dog

4. Read and circle(根据图片圈出正确的句子)5%

1)                2)

A. The policeman is fat.       A. Spotty can jump.

B. He is a postman.         B. The cat can climb the tree.

3)                4)

A. The wind is blowing.       A. I see a lamp on the table.

B. It’s summer.          B. The book is under the desk.


A. In my room, there‘s a bed.

B.That’s a big sofa.

5. Look and choose(看图,选择填空)8%

1) (  ) There is a bed in ______ room.

A.I    B. my    C. May

2) (  ) There ______ three books in it.

A. are   B. have   C. is

3) (  ) The cat is ______ a book.

A. writing  B. reading  C. drawing

4) (  ) There is a bag ______ the table.

A. on    B. in    C. under

5) (  ) There are some ______ on the table.

A. presents  B. juice  C. pens

6) (  ) I see ______.

A. a doll   B. three kites  C. two tables

7) (  ) My friend and I are ______.

A. eating   B. reading   C. singing

8) (  ) There ______ a ball on the bed.

A. is     B. are     C. is not

6. Read andchoose(选出正确的答句)5%

1)(  )What can you hear?

A. I can see a horse.

B. I can hear a horse.

2)(  )May I have a cake?

A.O.K. Here you are.


3)(  )What do you like to eat?

A.I like to play on the grass.

B. I like to eat mooncakes.

4)(  )The dog is my friend.

A.He has two red eyes and two long ears.

B. He has two black eyes and two big ears.

5)(  )It‘s cold today.

A.Put on your coat.

B.Take off your coat.

7. Look and circle(看一看,圈出与单词或词组相应的图)7%



1 ____ F______ 2. ____m _____ 3. ______v______

4. ____ Hh______ 5. ______ Ll ______ 6. ______Rr______


1. English blouse puppet bottle

2. I can see some monkeys.

3. Let‘s count the crayons.

4. I’d like a blouse

5. Let‘s keep the school clean!


1. 五只猴子______________ 2. 一辆吉普车______________

3.数鸡蛋 ______________ 4. 数学和音乐 ______________

5. 在沙发上______________


( ) 1.A. box B. bottle C. milk

( ) 2.A. on B. in C. open

( ) 3.A. book B. desk C. bed

( ) 4.A. where B. there C. what

( ) 5.A. father B. mother C. nurse

( ) 6.A. bread B. ruler C. pencil

( ) 7.A. dress B. can C. jacket

( ) 8.A. bear B. pear C. panda

( ) 9.A. spring B. winter C. T-shirt

( ) 10.A. peach B. banana C. rice

五、读上句,找下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ (10分)。

1. What can David do? ( ) David can run. ( ) I can run.

2. What can you see? ( ) I see a duck. ( ) I can see a duck.

3. How are you? ( ) Thank you. ( ) Fine, thank you.

4. Do you like winter? ( ) Yes, I don’t. ( ) No, I don‘t.

5. What do you have? ( ) I have a doll. ( )I have doll.。


( )1. Where’s the pencil? A. Twelve.

( )2. What can you see? B. I can see a bird.

( )3. How many? C. I‘d like a coat.

( )4. Can I help you? D. It’s in the box.

( )5. What colour? D. It‘s red.


1. is, where, plane, the, (?)


2. is, a, box, there, in, the desk, (。)


3. let’s, table, clean, keep, the(。)


4. do, have, what, you, lessons, (?)



1. TV 2. dress 3. plane

4. panda 5. two yo-yos 6. doll060s.


一、 默写五个元音字母。(5分)



1、( )帮助 h _ lp A、 e B、 a C、 i

2、( )连衣裙 dr _ ss A、 e B、 a C、 i

3、( )许多 m_ _ y A、 en B、 on C、 an

4、( )洋娃娃 d _ ll A、 e B、 o C、 a

5、( )太阳 s _ n A、 u B、 o C、 a


1、on the chair_______________

2、in the desk_______________

3、come on________________

4、open the door_______________

5、run a race_______________


A、 bear B、 peach C、 tiger D、hop E、run

F、 banana G、jump H、 deer I、swim J、egg




五、用a、 an 填空。(5分)

1、______apple2、 _______monkey3、 ________cake

4、______doll5、 ______elephant


( )1、I am good ______Chinese .

A、 on B、 in C、 at

( )2、It?s ______short .

A、 to B、 too C、 two

( )3、A red dress ______you .

A、 to B、 four C、 for

( )4、______is your dress ? Red.

A、 What B、 What colour C、 Where

( )5、______is my doll? On the desk.

A、 What B、 What colour C、 Where

( )6、______nice on a ship !

A、 How B、 What C、 Where

( )7、______a fine day !

A、 How B、 What C、 Where

( )8、It?s fun______the sun .

A、 on B、 to C、 in

( )9、We can?t let ______in .

A、 he B、 him C、 his

( )10、Is it a monkey ? Yes ,______ .

A、 it is B、 it is not C、 it?s not

( )11、It?s a plate ______cakes .

A、 off B、 of C、 and

( )12、______you make cakes .

A、 Can B、 Is C、 Are

( )13、Is she______ Mr. Frog?

A、 and B、 with C、 but

( )14、It?s ______, Grandma .

A、 I B、 my C、 me

( )15、Is it a cat ? No, ______.

A、 it is B、 it?s C、 it isn?t

七、从B栏中找出A 栏的答语,将其标号填入题前括号内。(10分)

A 栏 B栏

( )1、Glad to see you again. A、That?s OK.

( )2、I?m not good at English. B、Me too .

( )3、Thank you. C 、OK .

( )4、Can you make buns. D 、I can help you .

( )5、Let?s run a race. E 、Yes, I can.


A、is B、 OK C、 play D、 can E、 in

1、It ____________ a frog.

2、Where is my book ? It?s ____________ the desk .

3、How are you? I?m ____________ .

4、Let?s____________ games .

5、I ____________ help you . Thank you.


( )1、你想问别人这是一只狮子吗,应说_____________。

A、 Is it a tiger ? B、 Is it a lion ?

( )2、如果你想帮助别人,应说_____________。

A、 I can help you . B、 Thank you .

( )3、如果你是班长,你要求同学们站好队,应说_____________。

A、 Come on . B、 Line up .

( )4、你想问别人“我的课本在哪”,应说_____________。

A、 I can?t find my book . B、 Where is my book ?

( )5、如果你肚子饿了,应说_____________。

A、 I?m hungry . B、 I?m sad .

( )6、当别人敲门,你想问对方是谁,应说____________。

A、 Who is it ? B、 Who are you ?

( )7、当别递给你一块蛋糕,你应说_____________。

A 、 Thank you . B、 That?s OK .

( )8、好朋友找他的书,你告诉他在课桌里,应说___________。

A、 On the desk . B、 In the desk .

( )9、你看不到狐狸小姐,应说_____________。

A、 I can see Miss Fox . B、 I can?t see Miss Fox .

( )10、你想问别人这件衣服是新的吗,应说_____________。

A、 Is it new ? B、 Is it old ?



( )1. Let’s buy some fruits. _______


( )2.Are you like oranges? _______


( )3. I eat pear ---- yummy. _______


( )4. Here are you . _______




( )5. Do you like apples?. _______


Yes. I like.



1.动物 ________________________________________________

2.水果 _________________________________________________



一、1.D fruit 2.A Do 3.C pears 4.C do

二、1.动物 tiger monkey duck rabbit cat dog

2.水果 apple grape orange banana pear

3.家庭成员 father mother grandfather grandmother sister brother


一、 看图选择正确答案。

( )1. A. giraffe B. deer

( )2. A. bear B. panda

( )3. A. monkey B. cat

( )4. A. pig B. dog


( )1. Look _____ the monkey.

A. at B. on

( ) 2. This is ____ cat.

A. my B. you

( ) 3. It’s short ____ fat.

A. and B. or

( ) 4. ---What is this ?

---- It’s ______ giraffe.

A. a B. an

( ) 5. The giraffe is _____.

A. short B. tall


一、B B A A

二、A A A B B


一、判断下列对话与图意是否相符。(T F)

( ) 1. A: I am tall. I am strong.

B. I am short.


( ) 2. A: I’m thin.

B. I am fat.


( ) 3. A: My nose is long. I am big.

B. My nose is short. I am small.

A. B

( )4. A: I am Monkey. My tail is short.

B. I am rabbit. My tail is long.

A. B

( ) 5. A: I have a big head.

B. I have a small head.

A. B


( )1. I know all the animals!

( )2. The giraffe is tall.

( )3. I have a bird.

( )4. It has log ears.

A. 我有一只鸟。

B. 我知道所有的动物。

C. 它有一对长耳朵。

D. 长颈鹿很高。


一、T F T F T

二、B D A C


1. The woman is a nurse.(改为复数句)

The _________ _________ _________.

2. There are some old cars.(改为单数句)

There _________ _________ old _________.

3. He has a new book.(改为复数句)

_________ _________ new _________.

4. Are these your chicks ?(改为单数句)

_______ _______ your _______?

5. Is there a sheep in the playground?(改为复数句)

________ there ________ ________ in the playground?



—I can swing.I can draw.       —She can jump.He can play .

—We can touch .They can run.     —I can’t sing.You can’t see.

—She can’t dance.He can’t hear a car.   —We can’t hear an aeroplane.

—Can you hear a dog?Can he hear a bus?  —Can Lucy write?Can you do it?


1._____________(an, aeroplane, hear, Lucy, can)

2. _____________________(not, he , dance, can )

3.__________________? (you, can , see, what )

4._________________(can , see , not , we , you)

5._________________. (I , can , help , you )

6._____________________? (I, can , do, what)

7.___________________? (you , can , hear  me)

8.___________________? (you , can , dance)



_____Bb______ _____Ff______ _____Ii_____ _____Kk___________Mm_____ ______Hh_____ _____Gg_____ _____Jj_____


( )1. A. morning  B. afternoon  C. hello

( )2. A. he     B.she      C. this

( )3. A. Miss    B. Su Hai    C. Yang Ling

( )4. A. no     B. am     C. yes


( )1、你想把刘涛介绍给大家,可以说:

A. This is Liu Tao.

B. Hi, I'm Liu Tao.

( )2、下午遇到杨玲,你可以这样打招呼:

A. Good morning, Yang Ling.

B.Good afternoon, Yang Ling.

( )3、放学了,你应该对李 老师说:

A. Good afternoon, Miss Li.

B.Goodbye, Miss Li.

( )4、大卫想向别人介绍自己,他可以说:

A. I'm David.

B. This is David.

( )5、你想知道对方是不是王兵,可以问:

A. He is Wang Bing.

B. Are you Wang Bing?

( )6、你告诉你爸爸杨玲是你的朋友,你会说:

A. He’s my friend.

B.She’s my friend.

( )7、向对方介绍这是你的家人,可以说:

A. She’s my family.

B. This is my family .

( )8、 下午李 老师上课前会先说:

A. Good afternoon ,Miss Li.

B. Good afternoon ,class.

( )9、 向对方介绍迈克是你的朋友,可以说:

A. This is my friend ,Mike .

B. She’s Mike .

( )10、 向别人介绍海伦是你的`妹妹,可以说:

A.He’s my sister, Helen.

B. She’s my sister, Helen.


一、 把下列单词翻译成英语。

1.电影 院 2.可能 3.车站 4.动物园

5.学校 6.公园 7.老虎 8.(打)电话

9.圆的 10.宽的 11.熊猫 12.超市

13.狮子 14.参观 15.河流 16.很多

17.安静的 18.加上 19.更多的 20.有一点

二、 选词填空。

( ) 1.What _____ you do this weekend?

A. are B. do C. will

( ) 2. Maybe we‘ll _______ to the zoo.

A. going B. go C. go to

( ) 3. What will you see? _______

A. No, I don’t know. B. No, I don‘t. C. I don’t know.

( ) 4. I‘ll ____ my grandpa.

A. visits B. visiting C. visit

( ) 5. I _______ visit London.

A. will B. to C. am

( ) 6.You ____ see Tower Bridge.

A. will B. want C. are

( ) 7.Will you phone me? No, I ____.

A. am not B. don’t C. won‘t

( ) 8. There _____ a phone.

A. isn’t B. are C. be

( ) 9.Tomorrow I _____ go to school.

A. don‘t B. won’t C. am

( ) 10. You are ______ the park.

A. go to B. will go to C. going to


一、判断下列字母的小写是否相符,正确的写 “√”,不正确的打“×”。

( ) 1. G      g

( ) 2. B     d

( ) 3. C     s

( ) 4. D     b

( ) 5. E      e

( ) 6. F     l

( ) 7. H      f

( ) 8. I      a

( )9.W     v


( )1. A.pen



( )2. A.face



( )3. A.hand

B. book





( )5. A.water



( )6. A.arm



( )7. A.ten B

B.. bag


( )8. A.cake



( )9. A.nine

B. duck


( )10. A.morning



三、 写出下列单词的中文意思。 





5.cake _______

6.tiger _______




10.eraser ______


( )1.早上见到老师,你要问好,你应说。


B.Good morning.


( )2. .当弟弟说“我饿了”时,你应说

A.What’s your name?

B. Who are you?

C. Have some bread.

( )3.当你想了解对方的身体状况时,怎么说

A.How are you?


C.What's your name?

( )4.当你和别人道别时,你们要说

A.How are you?


C.What's your name?

( )5. 当别人对你说“How are you?”时,你应说:

A. How are you?

B. Nice to meet you.

C. Very well, thanks.

( )6. 当你询问对方的名字时,你应说

A. How are you?

B.What’s your name?

C. How do you do?

( )7.请你给我些面包,可以说

A.I'd like some bread,please.

B.It's an orange.

C. I'd like some milk,please.

( )8. 当别人对你说“Good bye!”时,你应说

A. Bye!

B. Morning!

C. Thank you!

( )9. 当有人向你说“Let’s make a puppet!”,你应回答

A. Great!

B.Thank you!

C. Goodbye!

( )10.把它涂成棕色吧!”正确句子是

A.Colour it black

B. Colour it brown!

C. Colour it orange!


( ) 1. Good afternoon.      A. Good morning!

( ) 2. What’s your name?    B. I’m 7 years old .

( ) 3. Hello!    C. Fine, thank you.

( ) 4. Goodbye!    D. Great!

( ) 5. Let’s go to school!    E. Nice to meet you, too.

( ) 6. Good morning!    F. My name’s John.

( ) 7. How are you?    G. See you!

( ) 8. Nice to meet you.    H. Good afternoon.

( ) 9. Let’s eat the cake.    I. Hi!

( )10.How old are you ?    J.OK


1.Happy birthday!


2.How old are you?


3.Thank you! You’re welcome.


4.I have a ruler.


5. Let’s go to school!




( )1.A.boy   B.girl   C. family

( )2.A.grandma   B.father   C.student

( )3.A.he   B.she   C.and

( )4.A.so   B.mother   C.father

( )5.A.long   B.short   C.tail


( )1. A. pen   B. ten   C. he

( )2. A. cat   B. bag   C. crayon

( )3. A. milk   B. six   C. like

( )4. A. cat   B. dad   C. face

( )5. A. red   B. leg   C. me


( )1.― It a long tail.

A.has   B.have   C./

( )2.Look_____that monkey.It’s fat.

A.at   B.so   C.new

( )3.― Who’s that boy?

― He is my_______.

A.sister   B.brother   C. mother

( )4. ― Is he your father?


A.Yes, she is   B. No, he isn’t.   C. No, she isn’t.

( )5.Mr. Jones, this _______Amy.

A.is   B. are   C. has

( )6. ―_______are you from?

― I am from Canada.

A.What   B.Who   C.Where

( )7.Nice____meet you.

A.to   B.too   C.in

( )8.I am from_____

A. UK   B.the   China   C. Canada

( )9.The boy is _______brother.

A.my   B.me   C.you

( )10.We ______two new friends today.

A.is   B.has   C.have



A. This is my sister   B. This is my friend.

2. 当你想说:“熊猫是黑白相间的”时,应该说:____________

A.The panda is black and white.   B. The panda is black not white.

3. 当你想问那个男人是谁,你应该说什么?

A.Who’s that man?   B. Who’s that woman?

4. 当你邀请别人玩游戏时,应说:____________

A. Let’s play a game.   B. Sure.

5. 你想问别人来自哪里时,你应该说:____________

A. Where are you from?   B. I am from the UK.


1. so It’s tall (.)

2. he your father is (?)

3. back welcome school to (.)

4. has tail short a It(.)

5. your eyes big make(.)


( )Thank you.

( ) No, she isn’t.She’s my mother.

( ) She’s beautiful !

( )Is she your sister?

( 1 )Who’s that woman?


I have a new friend. His name is John. He is from Australia. He is tall and thin. He has small ears and big eyes. He has a big nose. H e like s playing football. He has a cat. It’s white and brown.

( )1. John is from Canada.

( )2.John has big ears and small eyes.

( )3.John likes playing football.

( )4. The cat is white and black.

( )5. John has a dog.


一、下面情景, 选择恰当的选项 。

( ) 1. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说:___________

A.You’re welcome   B.I’m from the USA   C.My name’s John

( ) 2. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. Here you are.   B. It’s here.   C. Here it is.

( )3. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______.

A. Where is my taxi?   B. Where is my car?   C. This is my car.

( )4.当看到别人要摔倒时,应说:_________.

A.Watch TV.   B. Watch out.   C. Look at me.

( )5.你想让陈洁等你一下时,你应该说:

A.How old are you   B.Excuse me   C.Wait a minute

( )6当你想借同学的橡皮时,你该怎么说:

A.Can I use your pen?   B. Can I use your crayon?   C. Can I use your eraser?

( )7 USA代表的国家是________.

A.美国   B英国   C.加拿大

( )8 Sarah是你的新朋友,要把她介绍给妈妈,该怎么说:

A.It’s Sarah   B.This is Sarah   C.Where is Sarah

( )9 别人问照片上的女人是谁时,你可以回答:

A.She is my mother   B.He is Tom   C.I’m a boy

( )10有人递给你东西,你要说:

A.I’m sorry   B.OK   C.Thanks






eleven, seven, one, six, fourteen



in on under

1. The book is ________ the desk.

2. The banana is ________ the desk.

3. The apple is __________ the desk.

4. The ruler is __________ the desk.

5. The pencil-case is __________ the desk


Tom and John are good friends. Tom is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat hamburgers.Miss White is their English teacher.She likes them very much.

( )1. Tom and John are good friends.

( )2. Tom is thirteen years old.

( )3. John is twelve years old.

( )4.Tom likes to eat hamburgers.

( )5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students.


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